Views sought on historic environment, housing and developer contributions in East Dunbartonshire

Consultations are taking place on planning issues including the historic environment, housing and developer contributions for schools in East Dunbartonshire.
Members of the public, community councils, key agencies, groups and other stakeholders are being invited to have their say before 13 December 2024 on the following consultations.
The first consultation concerns revised advice for development proposals which would potentially impact the historic environment – to support the current Local Development Plan (LDP2). No changes to local designations are proposed.
Amendments to expected developer contributions relating to education requirements, where the development is likely to cause a catchment school to exceed 90% capacity or to add to the roll in a school already exceeding 90% capacity, are also up for discussion. This reflects updated data on school rolls and current capacities.
Finally, a consultation is being held on a potential local housing supply target as part of the preparations for the new Local Development Plan (LDP3). The Indicative Local Housing Land Requirement covers the whole of East Dunbartonshire and does not detail potential sites.
Additionally, a drop-in session will be held at Milngavie Library and Community Education Centre – Allander Road, Milngavie, G62 8PN – on Thursday 28 November 2024, between 2.30pm and 7.30pm – where you can access more information and provide feedback on all of the consultations.
Councillor Paul Ferretti, convener of the council’s Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets Committee, said: “I hope as many people as possible can spare the time to log on or drop in and contribute their views on these important consultations.”
“All of the feedback received will help to inform East Dunbartonshire’s Local Development Plans.”