West Dunbartonshire seeks views on Artizan Centre redevelopment

West Dunbartonshire seeks views on Artizan Centre redevelopment

Views are being sought on the redevelopment of Dumbarton’s Artizan Centre as part of a consultation launched yesterday.

West Dunbartonshire Council successfully applied for Levelling Up Funding in 2021 and was awarded £19.9 million to deliver three projects which will enhance Dumbarton Town Centre. They include the acquisition, part demolition and preparation for redevelopment of the Artizan Centre.

Since the award, a range of preparatory work has been undertaken at the site, with next steps including developing detailed designs and obtaining planning permission in principle.

Ahead of the formal submission of a planning application, views are being sought from the community about potential uses for the site.

As well as an online consultation running for seven weeks, two in-person public consultation events will be held to allow business owners, residents and other interested parties to share their views.

Councillor David McBride, convener for Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development, said: “The Levelling Up Funding has given us a fantastic opportunity to consider projects that will improve the look and feel of Dumbarton Town Centre for everyone.

“The Artizan Centre is a key element of the council’s plans to regenerate and transform the area, and we are looking at how it can be enhanced to introduced better links to the town centre as well as encourage future investment on the High Street.

“We want to ensure that residents’ opinions are gathered at an early stage of the project, and I would encourage all members of the community to participate in this consultation and share their feedback on how they believe this site would be best used.

“As always, the information gathered through our consultations will inform the eventual design, so it is an extremely important part of the process.”

Councillor Lawrence O’Neill, vice convener for Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development, added: “In recent years we have completed a number of regeneration projects around West Dunbartonshire, including at Queens Quay, Connecting Clydebank and at the Waterfront Path in Dumbarton.

“Each of these projects was delivered with input from the surrounding communities, taking on board the feedback that was received, and the plans for the Artizan Centre will be no different.

“We are getting ever closer to delivering our ambitious Levelling Up Fund projects, and I have no doubt that when the redevelopment of the Artizan Centre is complete, it will boost footfall in the town centre.

“We are committed to making these enhancements work for our residents and businesses and will work with them closely as this progresses.”

The public consultation will run for seven weeks, closing on Monday 9 October 2023.

Following the consultation, an application for Planning Permission in Principle will be submitted and will include information on building forms, types of proposed future uses, access, transport and servicing routes, landscape and parking strategy. If approved, the plans will provide a framework the Phase 1 construction works and the long term development of the site.

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