West Lothian approves £10m spend on school structural works

West Lothian Council is investing £10 million to fix structural issues at three schools.
Councillors gave their support to proposals in order to address construction issues at Knightsridge Primary in Livingston, Windyknowe Primary in Bathgate and Our Lady’s Primary in Stoneyburn.
The £6.7m programme for Knightsridge Primary will involve a complete replacement of the reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) panels. Pupils were relocated to either Deans Primary School or Deans Community High in November 2022 following a structural report.
Windyknowe Primary has a £2m programme to remove RAAC panels, which are only found in the nursery and a specific part of the first floor of the school. Remedial work, including replacing concrete lintels that have deteriorated, means that a £1.3m investment programme is required at Our Lady’s Primary in Stoneyburn.
Detailed surveys and inspections will take place at all three schools before a timetable for the works is agreed. Further investigations are also ongoing at St Kentigern’s Academy in Blackburn, with an update provided to a future meeting of the Council Executive on potential options.
Executive councillor for education Andrew McGuire said: “It’s essential we continue to invest in our schools to ensure they remain fit for purpose.
“This £10m investment programme will address historic construction issues in our school buildings and ensure they can continue to service their local communities for many years to come.”