West Lothian capital investment projects to share estimated £280m

West Lothian Council is to invest an estimated £280 million over the next ten years in capital investment projects.
Assets such as school buildings, play parks, open spaces, roads, bridges, and IT infrastructure are included, as well as one-off investments to extend schools or build new schools.
A Corporate Asset Management Strategy and General Services ten-year Capital Investment Strategy for 2023/24 to 2032/33 has been approved.
A total of £165.7m will be invested in property, with the majority spent improving and maintaining West Lothian’s school estate to ensure it remains one of the best in the country.
The council will also spend:
- Nearly £64.5m on roads and related assets, which includes nearly £4m for town centre and villages improvement
- £28.4m on open spaces, which includes £6m for children’s play areas and £1.4m for synthetic pitches
- £22m on information and communication technology to support delivery of essential services such as school Information Communication Technology
Leader of West Lothian Council Lawrence Fitzpatrick said: “Despite the severe financial position that we face, this is an ambitious capital budget that will see us invest in local services.
“The majority of our investment remains in school and education, providing a high-quality school estate as a platform for learning across early years, primary, secondary and additional support needs. Our capital budget supports continued improvement in West Lothian’s local services and plays an important role in community life.”
“With one of the best school estates in the country and rising attainment by pupils, we hope this approach will benefit West Lothian for generations to come.”
Next year alone, the council’s capital programme will include planned improvements at various schools including St John the Baptist, Fauldhouse, St John Ogilvie, Livingston, Springfield Primary, Linlithgow and Eastertoun Primary, Armadale.
The funding will also pay for the construction of a new East Calder Primary, a new Beatlie School and significant projects at Knightsridge Primary, Balbardie, Windyknowe and Our Lady’s Stoneyburn.
Other major capital investments by the council include roof replacement work at Whitburn Community Centre and the Lanthorn Community Centre in Livingston; the Cawburn Complex Care Development in Pumpherston and a proposed new Single Person Homeless Accommodation and Assessment Centre.
The ten-year strategy covers a huge amount of road improvements. In 2023/24 the capital investment programme includes significant upgrade projects on: the A71 Lizzie Bryce Roundabout, A771 Newpark Roundabout, A89 Mossbank to Dechmont. Many more road and infrastructure projects such as street lighting, flood prevention, road casualty reduction schemes and cycling and walking routes are also planned. Refurbishment and improvement works at cemeteries, children’s play areas and sports facilities will also see significant investment.