Wick public toilets refurb contract awarded

Image: Google Street View
The Highland Council has awarded a significant contract to Norbloc Construction Ltd from Halkirk to carry out a full refurbishment of the public convenience at Whitechapel Road, Wick.
The £395K works involve bringing the former public convenience back into use by undertaking ground stabilisation works. The groundworks will be followed by a complete strip out of existing fittings, installation of new fittings, upgrade of services and a new roof covering.
Leader of the council, Cllr Raymond Bremner, said: “I am very pleased that this contract has been awarded I am looking forward to the works starting next month. The project will provide modern facilities for the local community as well as showering and toilet facilities for visitors and tourists.
“The upgrades to the public convenience in Wick are sorely needed and will provide much improved facilities for the town centre area.”
Norbloc Construction Ltd. managing director Gavin Sinclair added: “We are delighted to be working with Highland Council on this project which will provide much needed public toilet facilities for both locals and visitors to the area.
“We will be working with local sub-contractors and suppliers to undertake the works.”
The project is being funded by support from Place Based Investment funding, the Highland Coastal Communities Fund, Community Regeneration fund, Visitor Management fund and from the council’s Capital programme.
Works are expected to start on site in April and take around four months to complete.
Design services have been provided by Leslie Hutt Architects and Fairhurst Structural Engineers with project management and site supervision being provided by the Highland Council’s Property Team.