Winners announced at Women in Property Central Scotland Student Awards

(from left) Caroline Rutherford, Women in Property Central Scotland Student Awards coordinator and structural engineer at Etive Consulting; Pam Heap, head of construction for Amazon Europe and keynote speaker (national sponsor); Laura James, head of Scotland for BakerHicks (regional sponsor); Freya Bannerman, highly commended // Amy Gillanders, Glasgow winner; Eilidh MacPherson, Edinburgh winner; Amy Matteo, highly commended; Martin Smith, board director at McLaughlin & Harvey (regional sponsor) and Aurora Tallon, Women in Property Central Scotland chair and architect at Threesixty Architecture
Employers working in the property and construction sector had a unique opportunity to meet some of the most talented built environment undergraduates in the region, at the Women in Property Central Scotland Student Awards, held at a sold-out event at Citation in Glasgow.
Eleven students took part in the Awards this year, representing disciplines including architecture, real estate, civil engineering and planning, with the top prizes for 2023 going to two students, awarded by judging panels held in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
The winning students are:
- Amy Gillanders studying Civil Engineering at the University of Glasgow, of whom the judges said: “…she is self-motivating with a genuine interest in her subject, confident without being over-bearing, some great answers to our questions.”
- Eilidh MacPherson studying Urban Planning and Property Development at Heriot-Watt University. The judges said of Eilidh: “…an engaging presentation, a brilliant candidate, Eilidh thinks differently.”
Both national finalists receive a £500 cash prize, a trophy and the opportunity to take part in Women in Property’s mentoring programme.
All the students were of such a high standard and their presentations so good that the judges awarded two Highly Commended Awards, which went to Amy Matteo studying Real Estate Surveying at Edinburgh Napier University and Freya Bannerman studying Civil Engineering at University of Strathclyde.
Aurora Tallon, Women in Property Central Scotland Branch chair and architect at 360 Architecture in Glasgow, said: “I am delighted for Amy and Eilidh, both of whom will go on to represent Central Scotland at the National Final in September. Our Awards programme works with Universities across the region, seeking out their brightest and best students. Employers then get to meet them at the Central Scotland Awards event, when we announce our regional winners.
“This is a great opportunity for our local businesses, in an industry that continues to suffer a skills shortage. Year on year, employers compete for new skilled people to help deliver their housing, infrastructure and commercial projects, yet we have all this inspirational talent right on our doorstep.”
Aurora added: “We encourage local businesses to get behind the students, with work placements, or simply just keeping in touch, offering advice and guidance as they approach their careers. This sort of connection is extremely motivating and confidence-building for the students, and works well for potential employers, who get to know them early on, hopefully, offering them a job on graduation.”
The National Awards programme, sponsored by Amazon, Bouygues UK, Savills and tp bennett nationally, and by BakerHicks and McLaughlin & Harvey in Central Scotland, was established in 2006 to seek out the top built environment students each year and raise awareness to the many amazing and diverse career opportunities offered across the industry. Regionally, each 3rd year student (2nd in the rest of the UK) is nominated by her University, submits a piece of coursework and then goes before a judging panel in March.
The final judging panel for 2023 will be held in London on 21st September, when Amy and Eilidh will compete with 12 other students for the top, national Award. This will be followed that evening by the national Best of Best Dinner at Claridge’s, when the winner will be announced.