Work begins at new Wishaw housing development

Local representatives gathered at Park Place in Wishaw to mark the official site start at Trust Housing Association’s £7 million new-build development.

Work begins at new Wishaw housing development

John Burke (Chair of Trust Board), Rhona McLeod (CEO, Trust Housing), Clare Adamson (MSP, Wishaw & Motherwell), Jim Hume (Local Councillor), Bob Burgess (Local Councillor), Gregor Colville (Head of Customer Experience - Landlord, Trust Housing), Pamela Humphries (Head of Planning & Regeneration, NLC) and Jackie McIntosh (Director of Assets & Sustainability, Trust Housing)

The development will see 42 new homes comprising of 1, 2- and 3-bedroom flats for social rent constructed in Wishaw town centre.

The development has been designed by MAST Architects alongside G3 Consulting Engineers, supported by a wider consultancy team including Reid Associates and Ewing Sommerville Partnership. Works commenced on site in May 2021 with a final completion date set for December 2022.

Rhona McLeod, CEO, Trust Housing, said: “We’re very proud to announce the start of construction works here at Park Place in Wishaw. Our plans will provide 42 modern and energy efficient homes for the community.

“Delivery of these much-needed new homes was one of the promises made to local tenants as part of the transfer of engagements from Wishaw & District Housing Association to Trust in December 2019.

“We’re now launching our new three-year business Strategy ‘The Time is Now’ which is an investment in a sustainable future and, at its heart, lies the demands of the people the society we serve.”

John Burke, chair of Trust Board, added: “The site has often been referred in the community as ‘Main Street’ or ‘the old Tesco site’ and it’s been sitting empty in town for a number of years - the layout and ground conditions made this an extremely challenging site to develop.

“We were absolutely delighted to receive planning permission from North Lanarkshire Council at the start of the year and £3.5m grant funding from The Scottish Government shortly after.

Work begins at new Wishaw housing development

“With additional investment from Trust, Park Place will contribute towards our ambition to increase the supply of affordable housing in North Lanarkshire and to support the regeneration of the town centre.”

The visit took place on Wednesday 21st July when local MSP Clare Adamson was joined by local councillors Bob Burgess and Jim Hume, alongside Pamela Humphries, head of planning & regeneration from North Lanarkshire Council and representatives from McTaggart Construction.

Clare Adamson MSP (Wishaw & Motherwell) said: “It was fantastic to see the beginnings of this new development at Park Place and I want to extend my thanks to Trust Housing Association for organising the visit.

“The Scottish Government is committed to delivering 100,000 affordable new homes and this new site is part of that. Provision of quality, affordable housing is integral to building a fairer society. Housing is a human right and I hope that developments like this will empower my constituents to realise that right.

“Renewed investment will bring a tremendous boon for Wishaw. This particular site has been empty and unused for a number of years so this new development could be a big step towards regenerating the area.”

Pamela Humphries, head of planning & regeneration at North Lanarkshire Council, commented: “This exciting development fits with our town vision to transform Wishaw Town Centre, as well as our wider ambitious housing plans to regenerate local communities and improve the lives of tenants through our programme to deliver 5,000 new homes by 2035.

“Building quality housing in the very heart of towns restores life to the centres and helps to generate community spirit and pride, of which I’m sure future tenants will feel plenty of once the development is completed.”

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