Work continues on Bishopbriggs public realm plan
Bishopbriggs town centre
People are being invited to find out more about an emerging blueprint which aims to create a new era for Bishopbriggs town centre.
The Bishopbriggs Public Realm Plan is a key part of East Dunbartonshire Council’s £34.88 million Place and Growth Programme - supported by £15.1 million each from the UK and Scottish Governments through the Glasgow City Region City Deal.
Consultation took place last summer to help guide preparations of the plan, with more than 650 people engaging via an interactive StoryMap.
The plan aims to:
- Give pedestrians, cyclists and public transport priority over cars
- Rework the existing public realm and deliver new public spaces - creating new opportunities for all
- Make the town centre a more active, inclusive and engaging place in which to spend time.
Councillor Gordan Low, leader of the council, said: “The council’s £34.88m City Deal Place and Growth Programme represents a significant opportunity for the residents of Bishopbriggs to shape the future of their area.
“It’s vital that we develop a Public Realm Plan which helps to create and maintain a sustainable, attractive and thriving town centre that everyone can enjoy and take pride in.
“As well as being able to move around easily, it’s important that people feel the town centre is a safe and welcoming place. Key public spaces need to be versatile and also able to accommodate other activities, such as community events and cultural celebrations.
“Not only do we intend that the plan should benefit the health and wellbeing of local people and visitors, we would also want it to stimulate further economic investment and business growth within Bishopbriggs.”
Pick Everard, erz Limited and Nick Wright Planning were appointed by the council in January 2021 to form a design team.
A comprehensive review of the existing public realm was carried out and an outline design concept has been produced.
There will now be a rigorous follow-on design process which will include tasks such as detailed design, community and stakeholder engagement, and further site investigations.
This will be progressed in tandem with A803 Kirkintilloch Road design works, with the focus on reallocation of space within the road corridor through the town centre, as well as measures to address traffic movement.
This Public Realm Plan is underpinned by objectives and a vision set out in the 2018 Bishopbriggs Town Centre Strategy.
The City Deal project - in conjunction with Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and Glasgow City Council - will see an integrated approach to improve infrastructure within East Dunbartonshire and the north of Glasgow, with three main elements:
- Bishopbriggs Town Centre Regeneration
- Delivery of Westerhill Development Road (formerly known as Phase 5 of the Bishopbriggs Relief Road) and a Masterplan for Westerhill
- Improvements to the A803 Route Corridor.
Economy secretary Kate Forbes said: “I welcome this next step for the Bishopbriggs Public Realm Plan. This plan aims to transform public spaces and promote active travel, and is being shaped by the local community.
“The Scottish Government’s Scotland Loves Local programme is encouraging people to think, choose and spend locally first - retaining income in businesses and communities.”
UK government minister for Scotland Iain Stewart added: “This will help increase Bishopbriggs residents’ pride in their community, make it easier to get about and encourage businesses to invest in the area.”