Work to commence on Western Isles care development
John Macleod (project manager - Lewis Builders), Iain Macaulay (director of social & community services), Cllr Norman Macdonald, Catherine Macleod (senior operating manager - adult services)
Dan Maclennan (director - Lewis Builders), Cllr Angus Campbell, Lewis Horner (Ardseileach resident), Emma Macleod (senior - Ardseileach)
Work will shortly commence on a £5.9 million care development which will meet the care and support needs of adults with learning disabilities and complex care needs on the Western Isles.
The Ardseileach project, which will take up to 2 years, will replace the accommodation of the existing care home and respite service to provide a modern up-to-date facility. In addition, the building of supported accommodation units will provide different styles of individual and shared living options, with varying levels of support provided depending on individual needs.
In recent years the inflexibility of the design and layout of Ardseileach Care Home has at times required Western Isles Council to accommodate and care for clients on the mainland and this new facility will help to reduce those numbers.
Local firm Lewis Builders have been awarded the contract and the local authority is holding an information event for immediate neighbours and Stornoway North Elected members, next week.
Cllr Uisdean Robertson, chair of health and social care, said: “I am delighted that the Ardseileach Core and Cluster Development is underway, providing a new up to date care facility and giving a boost to the local economy. This investment demonstrates the council’s commitment to provide high quality living accommodation to adults with learning difficulties.
“This new resource supports individuals to live independently where this is appropriate and where needed, 24 hour residential care facilities are available.
“Ardseileach is a major employer of social care staff and I know that they are very committed to ensuring that the disruption to service users and their families will be kept to a minimum during the construction phase.”