World’s largest floating wind farm moves to next stage

HywindWork on the world’s largest floating wind farm will begin later this year off Scotland’s east coast after the Crown Estate granted a lease to Norwegian firm Statoil to commence construction.

To be located at Buchan Deep, some 25 kilometres from Peterhead, the floating wind farm consists of five 6MW turbines which will be deployed in deeper water than any previous offshore wind turbines around the coast of the UK.

Rather than using fixed foundations on or in the seabed to support the wind turbines, the Hywind project consists of a floating steel tube filled with ballast, which is fastened to the seabed. The project builds on the success of the first phase that involved the construction and operation of the world’s first full-scale floating wind turbine off the Norwegian Coast in 2009.

The Crown Estate manages leasing of the seabed. The business’s team uses in-depth knowledge of the offshore renewables sector - covering planning and consenting, finance & commercial, environmental and legal issues - to actively manage the seabed to ensure it is sustainably developed and enjoyed to deliver best value over the long-term.

The project secured consent from Marine Scotland last October and Statoil has taken the final investment decision to construct the project. Preliminary on-shore and near-shore works will commence later this year and deployment of the turbines is due to begin in 2017, with first power being generated towards the end of the year.

Ronnie Quinn, general manager of The Crown Estate’s Scotland portfolio, said: “We have been working closely with Statoil, Scottish Government and other partners to help bring forward this innovative project which helps consolidate the position of Scotland and the UK as a global leader in the offshore renewables sector.

“Hywind is the first of its kind in the world. Its successful operation will demonstrate the viability of floating wind in deep water locations and bring forward cost reduction techniques that will move the whole sector forward.

“By working to share best practice and deploying our expertise in seabed leasing, we’ve been able to support the development of emerging technologies, from floating wind to tidal current energy, placing Scotland in a very strong position to secure global investment in low carbon energy.”

Leif Delp, project director for the Hywind Scotland project, added: “We are very pleased to develop this project in Scotland, in a region with a huge wind resource and an experienced supply chain from oil and gas. Through the hard work of industry and supportive government policies, the UK and Scotland is taking a position at the forefront of developing offshore wind as a competitive new energy source.”

Lindsay Roberts, senior policy manager at Scottish Renewables, said: “The granting of Hywind’s lease marks an important milestone for the project.

“Floating offshore wind is an exciting technology with huge, global potential, and it’s great to have this world first in Scottish waters.”

The news was welcomed by WWF Scotland director Lang Banks who said: “Successfully developing floating turbines could enable Scotland to secure even more clean energy from offshore wind in the future.

“With the right political support for offshore wind and other technologies, Scotland is well placed to become the EU’s first renewable electricity nation.

“However, if this is to happen then the forthcoming review of Scotland’s energy strategy must also include steps to improve energy efficiency, manage demand, and increase energy storage as well as interconnectors.”

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