North Lanarkshire Council's latest new house building project is now under way on the site of a former primary school in Plains.
A Midlothian football club has been handed a financial boost by family housebuilder Mactaggart & Mickel.
An example of sibling pettiness taken to an extreme level has hit the headlines detailing one man's move to build Lebanon's thinnest habitable building in front of his brother's property in order to block his seafront views. Situated in the Manara neighbourhood of Beirut, the skinny building is know
The Ship Yard Trust has launched the public consultation and engagement phase of their project to design and build an iconic venue to celebrate the shipbuilding and marine engineering heritage of the River Clyde. The charity said its" ambitious" proposal should equal those successful attractio
The Scottish Property Federation (SPF) has published an action plan ahead of the Scottish Parliament elections in May.
West Lothian Council has announced that a £5.8 million redevelopment of Pinewood School in Blackburn is set to get underway from next month.
Glasgow City Council has confirmed the sale of a prominent Merchant City site to a developer.
In 2019, the UK parliament and Scottish Governments both declared climate emergencies and as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is now a sharp focus on building resilient and sustainable communities. This includes the buildings we construct - from how we design and build them to the comfort of
Supporting employers’ core skills and training needs and tackling long-term people and skills challenges underpin a 2021/22 business plan published today by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).
Investment consultant GPH Engineering has unveiled proposals to progress the development of a multi-million-pound golf resort at Feddinch Mains, St Andrews. Under the plans, the leisure-led development will include a clubhouse, golf accommodation including up to 39 luxury suites, a spa an
Scottish Borders Council has granted Planning Permission in Principle (PPiP) for a mixed-use redevelopment of a historic auction mart to create a "new town centre" for Newtown St Boswells.
An application lodged for 82 houses and a visitor centre next to the 18th century Dunmore Pineapple near Airth will have “a hugely adverse impact on the site” and pose a threat to wildlife, according to the National Trust for Scotland (NTS).
Despite the challenges of the past year, Barratt Developments Scotland has made a substantial contribution of £245 million to the UK economy and supported hundreds of other organisations in the supply chain. In the year ending 30 June 2020, Barratt Developments Scotland has also completed 1,34
Robertson Construction Northern has revealed its new development for Cairn Housing Association in Elgin is on track for completion in August.
Permission has been granted for 58 new homes in Lochgelly after Fife Council approved plans submitted by local developer Easy Living Homes. Council officers have issued approval for the 58 new homes within the Avenues development in a draft paper published this week.