A public consultation website about proposed student accommodation in Finnieston has gone live.
The Nelson Mandela Scottish Memorial Foundation has applied to get planning permission for a statue in central Glasgow renewed.
A leisure club in Glasgow’s Finnieston district is to make way for three residential blocks consisting of 195 flats.
Fit-out and construction firm Pacific Building has unveiled a six-figure investment in a new manufactured joinery workshop at the company’s headquarters.
A new £1.5 million early learning and childcare centre in West Lothian has become Scotland's first local authority educational facility to achieve official Passivhaus certification.
Plans for a major build to rent development on the banks of the canal near Speirs Wharf in Glasgow have been refused by councillors.
An £11 million contract for the Caol and Lochyside Flood Protection Scheme in Lochaber has been awarded to RJ McLeod (Contractors) Ltd. The contract for the construction of the 2km long flood protection scheme will begin in May thanks to funding from the Scottish Government and the Highland Co
Plans to build 581 new homes in Kincardine, along with a public park, have been submitted to Fife Council.
Legislation which will help cut emissions, reduce fuel poverty and create green jobs by accelerating the deployment of heat networks has been passed unanimously by the Scottish Parliament.
Rosie Gollan, an Edinburgh-based solicitor at law firm Womble Bond Dickinson, looks at the Building Safety Bill and its implications in Scotland. Following the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, the UK Government has been reviewing and taking steps to reform our building and fire safety regimes. 
While many companies are struggling during the pandemic, Aurora Planning is one small business bucking the trend. In only three years, the company has taken on countless significant projects including securing planning permission for the first Scottish satellite launch site and advising ground-break
NatWest Group has issued a €1 billion affordable housing social bond, the first of its kind by a UK bank. The issuance reinforces NatWest Group’s July 2020 commitment to provide £3bn of funding to the UK’s affordable housing sector by the end of 2022.
Glasgow-based contractor and manufacturer CCG (Scotland) Ltd has successfully completed its latest planned maintenance contract on behalf of Maryhill Housing with the installation of high-performance fire doors.
The Scottish Government must match Chancellor Rishi Sunak's reported extension of the stamp duty holiday beyond March if there is to be a level playing field in the property market from April to June, according to a property and lettings firm. David Alexander, joint chief executive officer
Scotland’s construction firms have continued to demonstrate their commitment to apprenticeships despite the impact of Covid-19, according to new figures which come ahead of Scottish Apprenticeship Week (March 1-5).