Scotland's industrial market has been turbo-charged with demand hitting limited supply, while proactive landlords will be refurbishing vacant space this year, according to Ryden’s 86th Scottish Property Review. The review also found that development response is building but struggling to find
Property and investment firm Colliers said there is an urgent requirement for the speculative development of industrial and logistics space in Scotland to meet strong occupational demand. New analysis from the firm suggests there is demand for industrial space from companies across a range of s
Permission is being sought to demolish a disused Glasgow City Council building in Cranhill and build affordable flats.
Residents across North Ayrshire can see for themselves how the local authority is at the cutting edge of developing homes for the future.
Following SCAPE's report in December which revealed that residents are reporting they don't see community improvements from construction work, Sarah Stone reveals what construction firms can do to not just improve the way they create social value, but do so in a way that also builds economic va
Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, has announced the latest advancement of its cooperation with construction machinery manufacturer Liebherr by delivering the first Liebherr crawler excavator with factory-fitted machine control technology in the UK to optimise productivity and provide customer
ITI Operations Limited has revealed its new and bespoke base at Crombie Lodge on Moorfield Group’s Innovation Park, in Bridge of Don.
FORE Partnership has announced its Cadworks development to be the first building in Scotland to use Airlite anti-viral paint technology that turns walls into natural air purifiers. With the same air purification power as more than three acres of forest, Airlite's 100% natural technology is anti
Planning permission has been granted for a hotel, offices and 350 homes at the former Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) site on Edinburgh's Dundas Street.
Eleven workers on the Edinburgh St James Quarter site have reported positive test results for Covid-19, forcing a further 39 into self-isolation.
Network Rail has appointed Mott MacDonald as the design contractor for the Edinburgh Waverley Masterplan. The £900,000 contract, awarded by Network Rail on behalf of the Masterplan partners, will involve design work to assess and select the most appropriate options for the various elemen
Work to build on Dundee’s world-class expertise in biomedical sciences is set to begin in earnest after the ‘Growing the Tay Cities Biomedical Cluster’ project was officially signed off by the Tay Cities Region Joint Committee today. The project will help the post-COVID-19 recovery
Scottish Ministers have given the go-ahead for completing of the statutory procedures for the A96 Dualling Inverness to Nairn project.
The Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside construction project can support up to 700 jobs and is ready to start by Spring, according to a report which sets out the Final Business Case to be considered by Renfrewshire councillors next week.
North east firm Nicol of Skene has been appointed as principal contractor by Doig & Smith on behalf of Aberdeen Harbour Board to carry out the installation of approximately 3km of new water mains, including all associated civils works as part of the ongoing Aberdeen Harbour Expansion P