Network Rail is to begin work shortly on a 10-month programme to deliver a £3 million investment to refurbish the non-glazed roofs of the grade A listed station in Stirling.
Regeneration work to convert a disused former power loom weaving mill in Arbroath into 24 affordable apartments is now complete, with the keys ready to be handed over to the first group of tenants.
Kingdom Housing Association has started work on 76 new affordable homes for social rent and mid market rent at Kingdom Park in Kirkcaldy.
Shetland-based civil and marine engineering firm Tulloch Developments has been awarded a multi-million-pound contract to deliver the civil engineering works for the Shetland HVDC link onshore cable installation.
Plans lodged by Barratt Homes West Scotland and CALA Homes (West) to build a high-quality residential development in Stepps, North Lanarkshire, would support more than 140 new jobs and generate an additional £34 million of gross value added (GVA) if approved, according to new research.
Real estate investment platform FORE Partnership has announced that its ‘Cadworks’ development in Glasgow city centre will be ‘Net Zero Carbon (NZC)’ in operation and powered only by renewable electricity.
Plans to build 17 new flats which were refused by Aberdeen City Council have now been appealed to the Scottish Government.
Carmichael Homes (Scotland) Ltd has submitted revised plans to build flats beside the ferry slipway at Yoker in Glasgow. The firm has applied to Glasgow City Council seeking planning permission in principle for a block of apartments on vacant land at Yoker Ferry Road.
North Lanarkshire Council is continuing to drive forward its pledge to deliver 5,000 new homes by 2035 as another new development starts on site.
Office manager Gill Grant and managing director Chris Devanny from Timber Garden Buildings Scotland have both completed a CMI Level 8 Diploma in Management and Leadership at Fife College’s Andrew Carnegie Business School, allowing them to become Chartered Managers. status recognises managers w
Regeneration specialist Urban Union has confirmed that its award-winning Perth development, Muirton Living, has sold out.
Creative pupils at Cramond Primary school in Edinburgh are being given the opportunity to see their dream bedroom become a reality, thanks to a project with CALA Homes.
Finance secretary Kate Forbes announced support for jobs and skills totalling around £1.1 billion when she presented the Scottish Budget 2021-22 yesterday. In an effort to prioritise job creation, measures in the Budget included a commitment to launch a new Green Workforce Academy to
Cabinet secretary for health and sport, Jeane Freeman MSP, has backed NHS Lanarkshire's recommendation that Wester Moffat should be the site for the new state-of-the-art University Hospital Monklands.
A new retail park project is being planned which could deliver additional affordable housing and care for the elderly to Straiton.