A dog kennel with a double-glazed window, an automatic door and a heated floor has been created by modular housebuilder Built & Spaces.
Twenty-five new schools and campuses are to be constructed or refurbished to provide modern, state of the art learning facilities for approximately 21,000 children and young people across Scotland, education secretary John Swinney has revealed. Scottish Government funding, alongside local authority
Faithful+Gould, Arup and Triskelion (Arcadis, Sweco and Fairhurst) have secured places on the SCAPE Scotland Consultancy framework.
Drum Property Group has submitted a new planning application to the City of Edinburgh Council for the redevelopment of the 2.9-acre Stead’s Place site near the foot of Leith Walk in Edinburgh.
BAM Construct UK has secured two significant slots on the new Construction and Minor Works Framework Agreement from NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) which will be used by a range of bodies from across the public sector.
Network Rail has submitted planning applications for new railway stations in East Linton and Reston.
Persimmon has announced the appointment of Andrew Wyllie CBE to its board as an independent non-executive director. Most recently chief executive of Costain Group Plc for a period of 14 years, until his retirement in 2019, Mr Wylie will also join the board’s audit and nomination committee
2020 has been a year like no other; so what’s in store in the world of construction sector bidding in 2021? What will be changing in our ‘new normal’? What steps can bidders take to ensure that they are prepared for the year ahead? AM Bid's Andrew Morrison and David Gray set out wh
UK-headquartered international environmental, engineering and technical services business, the RSK Group Limited (RSK) has today confirmed that it is in late stages of agreeing the acquisition of Black & Veatch’s Water Europe and Water Asia businesses.
A planning application has been submitted to extend the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic building in Edinburgh.
LAR Housing Trust has been granted planning permission for what it describes as its most ambitious project to date.
The next phase of investment in housing at Western Harbour in Edinburgh got under way this month with the beginning of ground works.
Proposals have been put forward by Manse (Seafield) LLP for the delivery of a residential-led mixed-use development on the site of the current Peter Vardy Vauxhall Garage on Seafield Road in Edinburgh.
Badenoch and Strathspey is poised for a triple housing bonus in 2021 with Tulloch Homes beginning work on more than 200 new homes. The developments at Aviemore, Newtonmore and Carrbridge will see a springtime start to infrastructure and construction activity, sparking a record Tulloch investment in
Financial support from Unity Trust Bank is helping to transform the site of a former Glasgow primary school into a vibrant, new housing estate.