Michaela Sullivan MRTPI has today stepped up as the next chair of the Scottish Property Federation (SPF). Ms Sullivan starts her tenure as the real estate industry comes to grips with a second wave of coronavirus-related restrictions on businesses and the wider economy, with significant impacts on i
Plans to create an improved transport interchange at Motherwell railway station have been approved by the Glasgow City Region Cabinet.
Contract furniture and fit-out specialist Deanestor has announced a 12.5% increase in turnover, which is a rise of £2 million to £18m in the last financial year according to its latest report and accounts.
Work has begun on a new £12 million Scotch whisky distillery which is set to become a tourist landmark for Scotland’s capital.
A new £4.5 million cashback incentive to help people install renewable and energy efficiency measures in their homes has been announced by the Scottish Government.
HFD Property Group’s flagship development at 177 Bothwell Street – set to become Glasgow’s largest single office building in Autumn 2021 – will be fully electric with zero carbon emissions.
Engineering and technical services company Edwin James Group has reported strong trading thanks to growth across all of its core markets sectors. The annual results saw turnover rise 15% to £153m with an increase in earnings (EBITDA) of 28% from the previous year.
The public will have the chance to view and shape the details of Avant Homes' new residential development in Cairneyhill, Fife.
The Scottish and Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers Federation (SNIPEF) has marked Living Wage Week (9-15 November 2020) with accreditation as a Living Wage employer. Its Living Wage commitment will see everyone working at SNIPEF receive a minimum hourly wage of £9.50. This rate is higher tha
North-East property firm Fotheringham Homes has scooped the prestigious Show Home of the Year award at the Scottish Home Awards for the Esk design at their Parklands development in the charming village of Marykirk in Aberdeenshire.
The world’s longest combined rail and road tunnel was given the green light by German courts last week, connecting the northern part of the country with Denmark.
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has now terminated a £10 million contract for upgrade works at Lochmaddy Pier in North Uist due to the main contractor’s failure to return from lockdown. The local authority had previously warned of a delay to the delivery of works for the Lochmaddy Pi
ADP Architecture has secured planning permission and listed building consent for the full refurbishment of the former Granton Gasworks Station on Waterfront Avenue.
New affordable homes are to be developed at Water Row in Govan after Glasgow City Council approved the off-market disposal of land to Govan Housing Association.
Property development company Henley Homes Group is moving forward with the construction of two design-led hotel projects worth a combined £15 million following a pause in activity due to COVID-19.