NHS Grampian has been granted planning approval for an elective care centre in Aberdeen.
Plans for a new orthopaedic and ophthalmology elective care centre have been given the green light at Inverness Campus.
Edinburgh building firm Rollo Developments has opened a new headquarters in the city as part of a £100,000 business development plan.
Six site managers from CALA Homes (East) are celebrating after they each received a prestigious industry award from the National Home Building Council (NHBC). Craig Donaldson of Boroughmuir (Edinburgh), Mark Foley of The Crescent (Edinburgh), Ian Malcolm of Law Gardens (North Berwick), Kenny Re
The Scottish Joint Industry Board (SJIB) and the Unite union have welcomed the launch of a consultation exercise which it is hoped will lead to the introduction of a Member’s Bill calling for regulation of electricians. Both organisations are supporting the proposed Bill, which Jamie Halcro Jo
A community benefit society has been given the green light to redevelop a site on Dumfries High Street into flats for affordable rent.
Hillcrest Homes’ £20.5 million redevelopment of Dundee’s Ellengowan Drive has resumed on-site following the pause due to lockdown.
A growing Scottish company providing net zero carbon solutions to large projects all over the UK has achieved a draft EPC rating of A19 for a building undergoing refurbishment in London.
Homes for Scotland has unveiled the shortlisted candidates for its Development of the Year - medium. The trade body has announced there will be no winners of its 2020 Awards this year, but all shortlisted candidates will be revealed to recognise the efforts of successful submissions.
A new intake of ten modern apprentices has joined the 75-strong team of apprentices at the Cruden Group.
The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) has opened its new online Academy delivering a comprehensive programme of training courses, assessments and CPD for individuals, employers and training providers in the building services sector. Individuals will be able to access all of the resour
Work to switch on one of Scotland’s largest low carbon travel hubs has started in Stirling.
A playhouse listed on Airbnb as a joke has been booked by a family of four for a weekend break.
A City of Edinburgh Council project to repurpose the B-listed Powderhall Stables as artists’ studios and offices has taken a major step forward with the submission of a planning application by Collective Architecture.
Clark Contracts has been awarded five new projects through NHS National Services Scotland’s Minor Works Framework. The first of the new projects is the £1.8 million refurbishment of NHS National Services Scotland’s offices at Gyle Square in Edinburgh. These works, which are being c