Work to deliver temporary changes to roads in Aberdeen city centre has stalled due to a nationwide rush to source road signs and cones, the local authority has said.
The key role members of the Scotland and Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers Federation (SNIPEF) executive team have played in the vital work being done by Scotland’s Construction Industry Coronavirus Forum (CICV Forum) has been hailed as the Forum continues to represent the industry’s v
An online community consultation has been launched today with the intention of developing a new mixed-use neighbourhood, as part of plans by Edinburgh BioQuarter to create a new Health Innovation District.
North Ayrshire Council’s plans to build the next generation of council homes has continued with an application for 50 homes at the former Towerlands Primary School site in Irvine. Once again led by Mast Architects, and delivered by Ashleigh (Scotland) Ltd in partnership with hub South West Sco
Extensive repairs could be carried out to Turriff Academy under plans submitted by Aberdeenshire Council.
The decision on whether to award eight Aberdeen flat blocks 'A-List' protective status has been placed on hold until further notice.
Bouygues Construction UK has signed a partnership agreement to use a revolutionary paint that purifies the air. Hunting Pollution in Rome, by Lena Cruz, is Europe’s largest green mural, painted with Airlite paint
Property developer Wemyss Properties has appointed Scott Brotherstone as contracts manager as the company completes a development which was paused due to the demise of the main contractor. Scott was the contracts manager for Central Building Contractors (CBC), which had been tasked with delivering t
More than £78 million is to be invested into the construction sector as part of a new Return to Work package to help stimulate Scotland’s economy following the coronavirus pandemic.
SSE has approved a final investment decision for the 103-turbine 443MW Viking onshore wind farm in a step which will bring forward around £580 million of investment to Shetland.
Building standards managers have highlighted an increased demand for site inspection work as the sector begins to ease out of lockdown, according to the head of the Scottish Government’s building standards division. In a letter to local authority chief executives, Stephen Garvin said it is lik
Government guidance on the return of children to preschool education settings promotes the increased use of outdoor learning spaces to provide valuable education to infants, whilst providing the required distance between ‘cohorts’ or ‘bubbles’ of pupils. Holmes Miller has bee
Inverness city centre is set to receive an affordable housing boost after plans to redevelop the former Arnotts building in Union Street were given the green light.
Yeoman McAllister Architects has submitted plans for 25 flats off Station Road in Edinburgh's Corstorphine district.
A developer has launched its transformation of a former schoolhouse in Lenzie’s conservation area into 20 flats.