Developers have lodged plans to deliver new apartments on the site of a former Glasgow convent.
Plans to build a new primary school in Calderwood, East Calder, reached an important milestone last week as contract close was achieved.
Katherine Metcalfe compares building safety regulations north and south of the border. The UK government announced last month that a new building safety regulator for England, under the auspices of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), will be formed as part of a package of measures to improve high
The issue of cash retentions in construction is to be debated at Westminster this week. Kilmarnock and Loudoun MP Alan Brown has secured the debate which will argue that the government should decide on a solution to the issue of cash retentions, following its public consultation in 2018.
Scotland’s leading trade body for plumbing and heating professionals has renewed its call for Government support to prioritise funding for apprenticeships and support for upskilling following the release of details on the UK’s new immigration system that takes effect on 1st January 2021.
Chamberlain Bell Developments has submitted plans to Angus Council to fully restore the listed buildings at Strathmartine Hospital.
Aberdeen City Council is inviting landowners and developers have been invited to register their interest in providing high-quality council homes in the city.
The untapped energy potential from Scotland’s parks and greenspaces could provide low carbon heat for homes and reduce the nation's carbon footprint, research published today by greenspace scotland has revealed.
Shetland Islands Council has taken possession of the new Scalloway Fish Market.
Development firm Cater Group has unveiled plans for new apartments on the site of a former bakery in Aberdeen.
A new phase of retirement homes officially opened last week at the Hugh Fraser Retirement Estate, formerly the Crookfur estate, in Newton Mearns. Wellbeing charity retailTRUST is at the forefront of the development.
Stage 1 Architecture students at The Glasgow School of Art are to undertake a project linked to the restoration of the Pittenweem tidal pool.
A construction consultant who supplied a fake building warrant to a Dunfermline man having his home extended has been sent to prison.
Plans to build a championship golf course at Coul Links in the Highlands have been refused planning permission by the Scottish Government.
The City of Edinburgh Council has paved the way for record investment in new low-carbon schools and affordable homes with the setting of a new three-year budget. The council will make required savings of £35 million over the next 12 months and planned savings of around £87m over the next