CALA Homes is harnessing the popularity of one of Scotland’s most iconic characters to help raise awareness of an important children’s charity. The firm today welcomed Oor Wullie to the West End of Edinburgh, unveiling the sculpture as part of Oor Wullie’s BIG Bucket Trail - in sup
Glasgow City Council has allocated £104 million to its affordable housing supply programme, the highest-ever figure for the city.
The developer behind an award winning £240 million regeneration scheme in New Waverley, Edinburgh yesterday marked the completion of the UK Government hub development with a ceremonial key handover to the Secretary of State for Scotland, David Mundell MP.
A derelict tenement block in Govan is being bought up by Glasgow City Council and transferred to Govan Housing Association to be brought back into use.
Local charities and housing experts have come together in Edinburgh to discuss the housing challenges faced by people living in Scotland and look at potential practical solutions.
Nick Sangwin, managing director of Sangwin Group, became national chair of the National Federation of Builders (NFB) yesterday at the NFB’s annual general meeting (AGM), which was followed by a celebratory gala dinner. Construction industry professionals and guests gathered at The Deep in
Royal College of Occupational Therapists publishes guidance to improve access to housing adaptations
A new guide launched by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) has identified how to improve access to housing adaptations, ensuring patients can live well at home. The guide has been endorsed by a number of expert bodies from across the UK, including the Chartered Institute of Housing
ARK Consultancy has appointed Stephen Leonard to lead the team providing its finance advisory services to both public and private sector organisations. Stephen, a qualified accountant is a versatile and experienced finance professional with a successful track record of supporting organisations from
Multi award-winning Cruden Homes have won a further accolade at the 2019 Scottish Home Awards, for their unique Meadowside development in Aberlady, East Lothian.
SELECT, the trade body for the electrotechnical industry in Scotland recorded another year of successful awareness-raising, outreach and training initiatives its president told members at the association’s 107th AGM this week. Kevin Griffin was re-elected as president of SELECT and Donald W Or
The 2019 CIH Scotland Excellence Awards, which "recognise and celebrate the creativity, passion and innovation of housing organisations and individuals across the breadth of the sector in Scotland", are now open for applications. These awards are open to housing teams, private landlords and sector l
Global real estate agency CBRE has announced that it has acquired 120 West Regent Street, a multi-let prime office investment in the heart of Glasgow’s Central Business District, on behalf of West Ranga Property Group.
Forth Ports has rolled out a range of innovative wearable technology which monitors the vibration exposure experienced by power tool users to reduce the risk of developing the incurable HAVS condition. Launched in 2016 by manufacturer Reactec, HAVwear is a wearable wrist device that monitors in real
Architectural practice Anderson Bell +Christie has become the latest Scottish business to announce its transition to employee ownership – an increasingly popular business model.
The directors of Tayside Plumbing & Building Supplies have announced their decision to close the 45-year-old company and wind the business up while it remains solvent. Accountants MHA Henderson Loggie said the move comes after careful consideration and is a voluntary decision meaning all the cre