Video credit: NCCR Digital Fabrication / schwarzpictures
Brexit is already inflicting damage on the UK architecture sector with an increasing number of projects being stalled or cancelled and most EU architects having considered leaving the UK since the referendum. The stark warning was revealed in a new report from the Royal Institute of British Architec
Crucible Alba Group directors Brian Robinson, Alex Steel and Michael Smart A nine-screen cinema complex, a hotel and residential accommodation are being planned as part of a £24 million leisure development in Dundee city centre.
The developer behind plans for 299 private rented flats and a public promenade at Aberdeen’s Rubislaw Quarry has submitted the application for planning. Toronto-based developer Carttera also wants to deliver a gym, and a “heritage bistro” at disused the quarry, which will host a permanent exhi
A new deal between developer The EDI Group and housebuilder Taylor Wimpey is set to regenerate a key brownfield site in Edinburgh with 169 new homes for the capital. Taylor Wimpey has submitted an application with detailed plans to build a mix of private apartments and terraced and detached houses a
Tim Cooper Problems with late invoice payments are affecting around one in eight companies in Scotland, according to new indicative research by insolvency and restructuring trade body R3.
Lynsey Reid outlines the “agent of change” principle in planning policy. On 16 February 2018 researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh, Newcastle and Turku in Finland published the UK’s first live music venue census. The survey found that 29% of small music venues (defined as those with l
A new group formed in the wake of a Parliamentary debate on tenement maintenance has called for action to ensure the protection of Scotland’s historic and most common type of residence. The first meeting of the Working Group on maintenance of Tenement Scheme Property highlighted the growing concer
(from left) David Small (chief officer, East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership), Paul McGirk (chief executive, Hub South East), First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Andrew Milne (project director, NHS Lothian), Philip Galbraith (project director, Morrison Construction) First Minister Nicola Stur
Trainee joiner Karen Jeffrey (left) with summer placement student Eimear McLaughlin GRAHAM Construction is set to support an innovative new course to create better links between education and the construction industry.
Redpath wins East Kilbride shopping centre project Redpath Construction has been appointed to deliver a landlord strip out and retail unit sub-division at East Kilbride shopping centre for EK Devco Ltd.
A series of poignant messages carved into woodwork by workmen building a stately home more than 170 years ago have now been unveiled. The Telegraph reports that workers at Chatsworth House in Devonshire ‘scrawled messages such as “down with the Tory rascals” in protest at the bitter hardships
The expected opening of the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route (AWPR) project has been deferred until Autumn 2018 – six months later than planned, economy secretary Keith Brown has confirmed. The consortium tasked with delivering the £745 million project Aberdeen Roads Limited (ARL) said the impac
Interserve CEO Debbie White Interserve has been granted another month to secure a refinancing deal with an agreement in principle on major commercial terms now reached.
A new state-of-the-art campus which enables three schools to co-locate in a modern and collaborative learning environment has opened its doors in Balloch, West Dunbartonshire. The £16 million campus, which represents a major investment in the education offering in the area, has been delivered by Mo