A further 97 employees have been made redundant following the collapse of Carillion, taking the total to more than 1,800. The Official Receiver said it has been unable to find ongoing employment for the employees but added that a further 873 jobs have been saved with employees transferring to new su
Ogilvie Construction has broken ground on an £18 million project to build a 4 star boutique hotel in Edinburgh’s West End at Torphichen Street. The 150-bedroom hotel is being built for Axcel Hospitality and will incorporate a restaurant, bar and leisure facilities. The project is due for completi
Oregon chairman Rod Lawson The management team at Selkirk-based Oregon Timber Frame Limited has completed a buy-out of its non-management shareholders, including the 15% stake in the business held by its largest external shareholder group, Archangel Investors.
John King Land and property search firm Millar & Bryce has appointed John King as principal consultant to provide specialist consultancy support to its clients.
Ryan Newall and Jeannie Kielty of Banks Renewables A South Lanarkshire wind farm development is well on the way to delivering an estimated £101 million boost to the local economy.
Councillor Sandra Macdonald at the site of new affordable housing site at Lang Stracht Castlehill Housing Association awarded council grant for Aberdeen development
A three-storey house the size of a parking space will arrive in the centre of Birmingham to showcase the grand launch of a new integrated journey app. Often dubbed as the Spotify or Netflix of the transport world, Whim integrates journey planning, reservations, payments and subscriptions into one ap
A masterplan of the Sighthill regenration area Glasgow City Council has now signed an agreement with Glasgow Housing Association (GHA) and Keepmoat Homes to deliver more than 800 new homes at the city’s Sighthill Transformational Regeneration Area (TRA).
Transport Scotland has entered into a multi-supplier framework agreement for advance works as part of the A9 Dualling Programme. The first contract to be awarded under this framework agreement was awarded to Perth-based civil engineering firm I&H Brown Limited for demolition works on the Luncart
Rothesay Pavilion Building services group T Clarke has reported a "strong" set of results for the year ended 31 December 2017.
Balfour Beatty has been awarded two contracts worth around £47 million for the Fort Augustus to Fort William 132kV Transmission Reinforcement project. Both contracts have been awarded by Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc, part of Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), through the
Powerlines Group has acquired the 50% stake held by Carillion in the joint venture Carillion Powerlines joint venture.
Typical four bedroom detached homes proposed by Taylor Wimpey West Scotland for Linwood Taylor Wimpey West Scotland has submitted a detailed planning application to Renfrewshire Council for the provision of 110 new homes through the development of land at the former Johnstone Hospital site on Bridge
The HALO project in Kilmarnock The team behind multi-million plans for the regeneration of Ayrshire have welcomed UK government support as a major step forward for their proposals.
Simon Knott Lack of awareness of a recent regulatory change could lead to significant and costly delays in both large and small construction projects in Scotland, an environmental consultancy has warned.