Wheatley Group has today confirmed it will progress plans to deliver its repairs and maintenance service through a new joint venture (JV) with Glasgow City Council. Heads of terms have been agreed that will lead to Wheatley - parent company of Scotland’s largest social landlord Glasgow Housing Ass
Ken Gillespie Galliford Try’s chief operating officer Ken Gillespie has announced he is stepping down in July and will retire from group in February 2017.
Alex Neil Plans for a new Scotland-wide housing initiative that could help deliver thousands of purpose-built homes for private rent have been unveiled by social justice secretary Alex Neil.
Construction work on a £50 million school in Largs can official begin after the new facility cleared a final planning hurdle yesterday. North Ayrshire Council approved the proposals following a pre-determination meeting was held to give objectors and all stakeholders involved in the process a chanc
Edinburgh's Old Town UNESCO has called on the UK government to demand changes to Edinburgh’s planning system in order to preserve the Old and New Towns, two of six UNESCO sites in Scotland.
Tammy Adams Industry body Homes for Scotland (HFS) has today announced the internal appointment of Tammy Adams as head of planning.
Councillors in West Dunbartonshire have agreed to £114 million worth of improvements for council homes. Agreed as part of the local authority’s 2016/17 budget, the investment will allow the council to carry out 170 kitchen replacements and 120 new bathrooms, replace and modernise over 300 heating
Perth City Hall Plans to convert Perth City Hall into a food market collapsed yesterday after developers failed to convince councillors of the project’s financial viability.
Over £13.5 million will be invested in council homes in Clackmannanshire during the forthcoming financial year as the local authority approved its annual budget. The investment will include new build housing.
Dr David Kelly, group director BRE Innovation Park Networks (left) and John Pentland MSP BRE welcomes local MSP to award winning Innovation Park
Moray Council is to trial the use of drones to film planning sites to avoid sending a team of councillors and officials to remote areas. The local authority backed plans this week to trial the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) after councillors were shown a trial film shot from a remote-controlled air
Reid Cunningham BAM Construct UK has set up a new energy subsidiary within its facilities management division.
Gary McGregor Gary McGregor, formerly group managing director with Glasgow based construction and manufacturing company CCG (Scotland) Ltd, has joined Paisley based construction, scaffold and building services company JR Group as managing director.
David Melhuish The Scottish Property Federation (SPF) has welcomed the Scottish Government’s decision to exempt transactions of six or more homes from the additional LBTT surcharge.
David Thomas Barratt has reported a 40 per cent surge in pre-tax profits as its increased home completions by over nine per cent.