Building materials supplier Breedon has hailed a "significant moment" in its history today as the business moved its stock market listing to the main market of the London Stock Exchange.
A building company that was hired to build an extension for a house has been successful in an Outer House action in which it sought over £370,000 from a client following adjudication in its favour.
The construction of new accommodation for workers in Mull is among a number of projects designed to stimulate economic activity, boost tourism and improve community assets on Scotland’s islands that will share £4.1 million in the latest round of funding from the Islands Programme. A tota
We're delighted to report that Scottish Construction Now's busy Linkedin site has broken through the 20,000 followers milestone - a perfect way to celebrate our 20th anniversary.
Work is well underway on 31 modern affordable apartments being constructed on the site of the former Xmas Shop in Dundee which was devastated by fire in 2014.
Turner & Townsend has been appointed to develop the City of Edinburgh Council’s Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) as the authority presses ahead with plans to decarbonise homes, workplaces, and public buildings.
Fife Council leader David Ross and housing spokesperson Judy Hamilton have visited Persimmon’s Rosslyn Gait development to hear about the home builder’s investment in Kirkcaldy and across Fife. Rosslyn Gait is part of a project that will deliver over 1,000 new homes in the area – 1
Residents, businesses and groups are being invited to help prepare the way for a vital document which – when adopted – will guide the future use of land in East Dunbartonshire.
An extensive consultation exercise with tenants, owners and other stakeholders throughout Aberdeen is to be carried out as part of the production of a full options appraisal of eight city centre multi-storey blocks.
Home Scotland has received a £15 million loan, arranged by Allia C&C through the Charitable Bond programme funded by the Scottish Government. The loan will help Home Scotland deliver just under 900 homes across the country over the next five years, which include a mix of social rent and mi
Tarmac is bringing an electrically powered bond coat sprayer to roads in the UK in a world-first project to support the transition to net zero.
A Welsh civil engineering firm has showcased its expertise and adaptability by successfully delivering the 10-turbine phase two of Sandy Knowe Wind Farm in Scotland after the previously appointed contractor went into administration. Jones Bros Civil Engineering UK stepped in to carry out the work at
Wheatley Group has submitted plans to redevelop the former Bellgrove Hotel in Glasgow to provide 70 flats for mid-market rent.
Scotland’s most outstanding workplaces have been announced, with British Council for Offices (BCO) Awards going to five office buildings across the country. Held on Friday 12 May at Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel, the BCO’s annual Scottish Awards Lunch recognised projects that demon
Members of The Highland Council have received a further update on the current outline business case (OBC) stage of the Inverness and Cromarty Firth Green Freeport process and the role of council officers and elected members.