A new affordable housing development on the site of the former Lairdsland Primary School in Kirkintilloch has welcomed its first tenants.
More details on the next Edinburgh Home Demonstrator (EHD) pilot project in the Greendykes area of Edinburgh have been revealed after the project was approved by city planners.
A striking Scottish architectural gem hidden in the rural Highlands has been shortlisted in the 2023 UK Passivhaus Awards.
A charity with ambitious plans to create a flagship complex-needs facility has engaged its service users in the design phase with support from Architecture and Design Scotland (A&DS). Scotland’s design champion, which typically supports the design of publicly-funded projects, has supp
Hardies Property & Construction Consultants has been appointed cost consultant and principal designer for the Masterplan to the Dallas Dhu housing mix delivery project in Moray.
Architecture and Design Scotland’s Climate Action Towns project brought together people from across the country to celebrate achievements and exchange ideas on howto take community action on the climate emergency.
A construction company from the United Arab Emirates took its top-performing employees on a free holiday to Europe.
Ambassador Group has submitted a planning application to Glasgow City Council to develop 288 student apartments on a vacant site on the corner of Osborne Street and Old Wynd.
Plans to deliver a new community park and active travel route along Glasgow’s riverside at the Govan Graving Docks are set to undergo public consultation. The consultation marks the latest step in the project timeline for the regeneration of the historic docks after proposals were announced la
Monthly construction output is estimated to have increased 0.2% in volume terms in March 2023, new figures from the Office fro National Statistics (ONS) have revealed.
Balfour Beatty has issued a trading update for the period 1 January 2023 to date in which the firm reveals that overall trading has been in line with expectations.
Independent housebuilder Dandara has had a record five developments shortlisted for the highly esteemed Excellence Awards 2023 by Premier Guarantee, one of the UK’s most prestigious building warranty providers, which recognises the highest quality developments across the country. Dandara has r
A planning application seeking approval to develop a new community campus in Ardrossan has been lodged. Designed by jmarchitects, the new facility will be constructed on the former Shell refinery site in the town.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has described a failure to prevent life-threatening diseases caused by dust at work as "unacceptable" as it gears up for a summer targeting construction sites across Great Britain.
A new £18 million primary school campus has been fitted out by Dunfermline-based Deanestor, working with main contractor Morgan Sindall Construction. The new Prestwick North Education Campus has replaced Glenburn Primary and St Ninian’s Primary School. It was delivered for South Ayrshire