Wheatley Group has revealed the eight contractors to have been appointed to a £500 million framework for the provision of housing construction and all other associated construction works.
Affordable housing specialists Cullross Ltd has submitted detailed planning for its Newcraighall East development in Musselburgh.
Tenants are settling into their new homes as North Lanarkshire Council marked the completion of its latest new council house building project at Community Road, Bellshill. The Community Road development, which comprises 29 new homes for rent, is in the heart of the local community and forms part of
A specialist engineering contractor is to utilise an innovative approach which allows the deconstruction and de-fabrication of the existing structural steelwork from a 1980s building, allowing it to be recertified, refabricated and reused in a new proposed structure.
MIXED USE and NON-RESIDENTIAL Applicant: Mr James Welch Polmood House Tweedsmuir Scottish Borders
The next president-elect of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) is to be Karen Anderson, a founding partner of Anderson Bell + Christie Architects. Once her election is ratified and approved by the RIAS Council on 24 May, Karen Anderson will serve as president-elect for one year
A mechanical and electrical engineering consultancy which has experienced rapid growth in demand has appointed Sarah Peterson to head up its Edinburgh office and lead energy and sustainability services across its UK operations. The former director of energy and sustainability at Harley Haddow has jo
A repair and maintenance company has been fined for health and safety failings which left a worker with severe injuries.
East Renfrewshire Council has approved an additional investment of £3 million for roads and pavement resurfacing across the local authority.
Scotland's Earth and environment-focused science centre Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh is practising what it preaches by investing in a programme of upgrades to its Stratosphere - a giant curved roof that covers the entrance and events space - to reduce the popular attraction’s carbon footprint. A
The QTS Group is to give all staff the opportunity to take part in cancer screening as part of the rail contractor's annual health surveillance.
Scottish energy storage company Gravitricity is set to enter the US market after it partnered with Illinois-based IEA Infrastructure Construction to secure funding for renewable energy projects. This collaboration comes as the Biden administration recently allocated $450 million (£361m) for cl
Procurement in construction companies will play a pivotal role as they navigate uncertainty and aim for sustainability targets, according to new research from McKinsey & Company.
The Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) has today launched a new business plan which urges public and private sector organisations across Scotland to focus on greater collaboration to help deliver a net zero built environment. The plan for 2023/24 appeals to all involved in new-build and refurbishment proj
Door sets joinery manufacturer Donaldson Door Systems (DDS) has appointed Billy Cameron as director of the business. Joining the company's board, Billy brings 26 years’ experience in the industry and has had multiple positions with the business in that time. He first joined as a forklift