New rules being brought in as part of changes to the non-domestic rates system in Scotland could cause confusion for landlords and property investors, particularly in the industrial sector, according to Knight Frank. Among the changes being brought in as part of the most recent settlement between th
Industry services firm Greenwell Equipment has recorded turnover of £6 million for the 2021-2022 financial year as the business completed several large-scale projects over the past twelve months. Greenwell, which is headquartered in Aberdeen’s Greenbank Road and specialises in cabins, co
Advanced Traditional Screeding (ATS) has agreed a three-year sponsorship deal with Dunfermline Rugby Football Club (DRFC) in kit provision for over 200 youth players. The Rosyth-based firm, which is a specialist flooring contractor with a UK-wide client base, became the front of shirt sponsor for th
Balfour Beatty has reported a 42% increase in underlying profit from operations to £279 million and an 8% increase in its order book at £17.4 billion. The group's 2022 full-year financial results saw revenue for the year reach £8,931m – up from £8,280m fo
Glasgow City Heritage Trust (GCHT) Podcast has announced the second series of it's 'If Glasgow's walls could talk' which explores the relationships between Glasgow's historic buildings, places and communities.
Property and investment company Buccleuch Property has launched the 15th edition of the Buccleuch Property Challenge with Horse Time to return as its charity partner for the event.
A planning application has been submitted for a new sustainable and inclusive Adult Learning Disability Hub in Inverclyde, designed jointly by architects at Holmes Miller and Inverclyde Council, working in partnership with hub West Scotland.
Measures to address the chronic skills shortages in the construction industry by relaxing immigration rules have been described as a welcome boost, following confirmation of the move in yesterday's Spring Budget announcement.
Irvine-headquartered construction property and investment business Edison Group has become a convert to the principle of the four-day working week for all employees. The new regime, which will guarantee all sixty Edison Group employees three days off each week: either Friday, Saturday and Sunda
Affordable flats will be built on the former Burgh Yard site in Galashiels which was previously earmarked for a hotel.
Taylor Wimpey West Scotland has completed a programme to deliver 82 homes for social rent for East Renfrewshire Council, which forms part of the wider masterplan vision and framework for Maidenhill, Newton Mearns.
Multi-million pound projects are advancing across Airdrie as regeneration developments take shape to transform buildings, residential areas and improve public areas in the town.
Fenestration specialist Sidey officially launched its Training Academy in celebration of last week's Scottish Apprenticeship Week to provide a safe and supportive environment for apprentices to develop skills. In response to the declining skilled labour market, the company decided to create the
Plans to deliver a new student accommodation block on a site next to Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh look set to be approved.
Property developer AS Homes (Scotland) has welcomed its final residents into 36 newly built flats in Castlemilk delivered on behalf of Craigdale Housing Association. Developed on the site of a former Parish Church at Glenacre Terrace, the affordable homes comprise a mix of energy-efficient one and t