Close family members of late Thorntons chair and Hillcrest Enterprises board member, Jack Robertson, attended the formal opening of the Ellengowan regeneration in Dundee, marking the completion of the first phase of the development. The regeneration, which is being carried out by Campion Homes on be
Trust Housing Association is working in partnership with Glasgow City Council and CCG (Scotland) to develop 46 new homes for social rent in Langlands Road in the Govan area of Glasgow. The development is part of Trust’s ambitious new build programme and will contribute towards the supply of af
Northern soul fanatics have warned thieves who stole £250,000 worth of rare vinyl records that they have "nowhere to hide". The rare collection of records was stolen from the home of Birmingham DJ Ted Massey after a gig in Nottingham last month, The Times reports.
MIXED USE and NON-RESIDENTIAL Applicant: Browne White Ltd (ScotlandShop)
The UK Government’s proposed loosening of immigration rules will be a positive boost for the construction sector which is struggling to recruit enough workers, says the Federation of Master Builders (FMB).
Two domestic roofs in Angus which were originally waterproofed with Dryseal back in 1998 had reached the end of their 20-year guarantee in 2018.
An application seeking planning permission in principle for the regeneration of Shawlands Arcade in Glasgow has been approved by councillors.
Timber Development UK and the HCI Skills Gateway have unveiled a comprehensive Timber Skills Action Plan aimed at equipping the UK construction industry with the necessary skills to increase the use of timber and achieve net-zero targets.
Campaigning trade body SELECT has welcomed additional funding for electrical apprentices and adult trainees following a plea to the Scottish Government but has joined training providers to insist that support must continue to prevent future shortfalls of talent. After making an urgent appeal to Depu
Multi-disciplinary company The Rocket Group, which was set up to provide pragmatic guidance, advice and solutions in archaeology, heritage, ecology, architecture, construction, HR and electrical contracting, has achieved a multi-million-pound turnover in its first three years of trading following si
Contractor GRAHAM is investing in its dedicated apprenticeship scheme to future-proof the talent pipeline and bridge the skills gap being experienced in the Scottish construction industry. As part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week and Women in Construction Week (6 – 13 March), the contracto
Last month, housing market activity in Scotland remained weak with falls in new buyer demand and listings, however, house prices are still edging upwards according to respondents in the latest RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) Residential Market Survey.
Glasgow-based building services contractor Arc-Tech (Scotland) has confirmed an intake of three trade apprentices in 2023. The Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) service installation specialist works with some of the country’s most well-known construction companies in the delivery of commer
Goodstone Living has appointed contractor McAleer & Rushe to build at least 338 homes for its build-to-rent residential scheme in Leith.
Melville Housing Association is to invest £1.65 million in improvements to tenants’ homes throughout Midlothian over the next 12 months. Investment in the new financial year, funded entirely from rental income, will see the replacement of 245 central heating systems, bathrooms and kitche