Biotecture living walls with remotely monitored irrigation system have been installed at Landmark Pinnacle in London.
MIXED USE and NON-RESIDENTIAL Applicant: Cruden Bay Congregational Church
The first phase of the new Allander Leisure Centre in Bearsden is on track to open to customers on Monday 6 March 2023.
Revised plans for parts of the historic former Jenners department store in Edinburgh, which suffered from a fire in January, have been lodged. The plans by David Chipperfield Architects include changes to the Rose Street façade, the internal stair, and bridge link. Danish retail billionaire o
The next phase of an active travel project on the outskirts of Dundee could be underway by spring if councillors approve a tender for the latest phase.
Plans to progress with a new leisure centre in Perthshire's largest town were confirmed yesterday as councillors pledged to press ahead with a replacement Blairgowrie Recreation Centre. However, plans to replace Perth Leisure Pool and Dewars Centre with the much-vaunted PH20 centre are on hold as co
DJ Laing Homes is supporting New Homes Week 2023 with a new report showing that new build homes are so energy efficient that they could save buyers more than £3,100 on their annual energy bills. The annual event, which will take place from 27 February to 3 March 2023, is designed to promo
As schools, colleges, employers, career advisers and students prepare to come together next week to celebrate Scottish Apprenticeship Week, international property and construction firm Thomas & Adamson (T&A) is encouraging businesses to follow in its footsteps and embrace apprenticeship prog
A project underway to create a community hub on the Isle of Kerrera near Oban is being part funded by up to £153,983 investment from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE). The project by the Isle of Kerrera Development Trust (IKDT) will support a part time job and generate around £50,00
Aberdeen City Council yesterday mapped out its plan for creating green, affordable homes as part of its Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget and also to invest more than £200m over the next five years growing and renewing the schools estate.
Proposals for a replacement Liberton High School have taken a major step forward after the planning application for the new school was approved yesterday.
The second phase of the £23 million investment to Helensburgh’s Waterfront has officially completed as a new improved public space opens to the public.
Sandy and James Easdale have heralded the decision to increase the number of houses planned at the £250 million redevelopment of IBM Greenock as transformational for the region. At a planning meeting held by Inverclyde Council yesterday afternoon, councillors voted in favour of lifting the exi
Taylor Wimpey East Scotland marked World Book Day today with a donation of £500 to Letham Mains Primary’s school library.
Moray Council has committed to a £59.1 million capital investment alongside its £260m revenue budget for the 2023/24 financial year, with £22.8m also approved for housing services.