The residential property letting market in Glasgow and its surrounds remains remarkably healthy, with continuing strong demand for accommodation, property professional Riccardo Giovanacci has revealed on an influential investment podcast. Despite fears of UK-wide recession and concerns over tax disp
Angus Council has approved plans for three new homes to be constructed on the site of a former cattery.
Claymore Homes has obtained permission to build the last 61 houses at its Greenacres development in Peterhead.
Springfield Properties has secured outline planning consent to create a sustainable new neighbourhood in Midlothian.
Additional sites have been approved for inclusion in North Lanarkshire Council's house building programme.
Goodstone Living has agreed £67 million of debt financing with Natwest for the development of its next generation build-to-rent residential community in Edinburgh.
A construction worker from Ontario found out about his lottery win in the most “Canadian” way possible. David Cornell had stopped by a store to buy a lottery ticket and picked the Instant Diamond Club ticket, which stood out for its size.
The JR Group has provided a £2,000 donation, as well as its official support, to the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity - the only charity that provides dedicated emotional, physical, and financial wellbeing support to construction workers and their families. By working with the Lighthou
A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) for the new Ardrossan Community Campus has been submitted to North Ayrshire Council. The new Community Campus at the North Shore site in Ardrossan will be the first part of wider development on the disused former Shell site, transforming the previously industri
Work is now underway to build the new Leven station as part of the £116 million Scottish Government funded Levenmouth Rail Link project.
Inverness’ first distillery in 130 years has officially opened, reconnecting the Highland capital with its proud but lost whisky and brewing history. Powered by a low-carbon sustainability centre on-site, the £7.5 million Uile-bheist distillery and brewery on River Ness is expected to at
Cala Homes (West) is due to host its second phase of community consultation events for its new site in Cathcart.
Plans have been submitted to replace the golf course at Craig Tara Holiday Park in Ayrshire with additional caravans.
Taylor Wimpey West Scotland challenged the pupils in Newton Farm and Maidenhill to design signs that could be installed beside new show homes near the schools to encourage drivers to slow down. Three winning designs - created by Pippa Lindsay (P6) from Newton Farm Primary, Leo Dunsmuir, (P5) fr
A Cardonald neighbourhood is set to benefit from transformed greenspace and improved resilience to flood risk, with construction work to deliver these benefits now underway.