As part of a drive to cultivate early talent and help transform the perception of roles within the sector, Cala Homes has created ‘Land to Life’ - a new curriculum-based schools programme for children between the ages of seven and eleven. The programme has been developed with a specialis
A block of 55 flats for social rent at the site of a former Glasgow car dealership looks set to be given the green light.
Plans to redevelop a traditional 1890s school building in Glasgow have been recommended for approval.
A total of 157 homes in Dundee could benefit from window replacements if councillors approve tenders next week.
Regeneration specialist Urban Union has received planning consent to build 94 new homes for sale at its Pennywell Living development in North Edinburgh. The new homes will form the fourth and final phase of the development and work is scheduled to begin in April 2023. The construction of Phase 4 is
A new report by an architectural firm into the regeneration of Wyndford has confirmed the demolition of four multi-storeys is the best option. The study by MAST Architects explored retrofitting the 200 bedsits and 400 one-bedroom homes within the four multi-storeys in the Glasgow community.
A construction firm has successfully obtained an injunction to prevent urban explorers from climbing cranes on a building site overlooking Wembley Stadium.
MIXED USE and NON-RESIDENTIAL Applicant: Aberdeenshire Council Woodhill House Westburn Road
The next phase of a 700-home masterplan at Scone North has been unveiled with new plans lodged for 217 properties.
Muir Homes has named Peter Shepherd as managing director of the Fife-based and family-owned house builder. He joins Muir following over 30 years’ experience in the housing development sector, predominantly with Mactaggart & Mickel Homes Ltd
Take-up of industrial property in Aberdeen has risen to its highest level in almost a decade during 2022, as a high oil price and greater interest in renewables boosted activity in the energy sector and its supply chain, according to Knight Frank. The independent commercial property consultancy&rsqu
Commercial property consultant Ryden has published its 88th review of the Scottish property sector. According to the report, industrial property market fundamentals remain strong in Central Scotland as rents continue to rise. More occupiers are starting to seek good EPC ratings and ESG credentials a
New budget plans published by Scottish Borders Council include a commitment to deliver all previously announced capital projects, in spite of significantly increased costs, particularly due to average inflation of 10%. Capital plan projects include three new secondary schools (Peebles, Galashie
NorDan UK Ltd has announced a record 34% increase in turnover for a single year for 2022.
Members of the Highland Council's City of Inverness and Area Committee have agreed a list of prioritised programmes of works for structural overlay/inlay works and surface dressing schemes which will be funded out of the Capital Budget allocation for 2023/24. Leader of Inverness and Area Cllr Ian Br