
8476-8490 of 34016 Articles
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The former Jenners department store in Edinburgh, which is currently undergoing a conversion into a 96-bedroom hotel, caught fire today. A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said it responded to reports of a fire to the rear of the empty building on Rose Street at about 11:29.

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Trade unions have called for new legislation requiring the removal of all asbestos from public buildings after the substance was found in hundreds of NHS buildings across Scotland including hospitals. Research carried out by Labour Research Department (LRD) for the TUC, STUC and the All Party P

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Improvements are set to be approved for a major Dundee city centre junction that will enhance pedestrian safety and make the area more attractive. Dundee City Council's city development committee, which meets today, will be asked to approve up to £400,000 for changes at the Commercial Street/M

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Cruden Building Scotland has offered its support to the local community in Earlston, Scottish Borders, by rejuvenating a well-respected war memorial in the town centre. Working collaboratively with Eildon Housing Association and Earlston Community Council, Cruden successfully refurbished the metal r

8476-8490 of 34016 Articles