Scotland will not meet its ambitious target of being net zero by 2045 without a more empowered local government sector, with better access to the skills and capital it needs to play its full role in the net zero energy revolution, according to a new report from the Scottish Parliament's net zero, e
Kingdom Housing Association has acquired eight highly energy-efficient homes for mid-market rent in Blairgowrie from Scotia Homes. The new 2 and 3-bedroom homes are Kingdom’s first mid-market rent properties in the Blairgowrie area and will be let and managed by Kingdom Initiatives.
Bringing cake to the office might make you popular, but is as harmful to your colleagues as passive smoking, the head of the UK’s Food Standards Agency has said.
The availability of some of Stirling station’s facilities is to change from next week as part of the station’s redevelopment.
Shepherd Chartered Surveyors has secured the top spot in commercial property search expert NovaLoca’s disposals report 2022. The report analysed 42,000 property adverts, comparing properties across all sectors: retail, industrial, leisure, office and land.
Disappointment has been expressed by senior councillors following the announcement that two bids submitted to the Levelling Up Fund by the Highland Council were unsuccessful.
Kubota has launched an online communication website to bring innovative customer solutions from various brands under the group's umbrella.
International property and construction consultancy Gleeds has announced that its UK business has been awarded the coveted Great Place to Work certification by the global authority on workplace culture. Certification acknowledges employers who deliver a consistently positive employee experience. Dur
The final step to allow work to begin preparing for the construction of Edinburgh's first new concert hall in over 100 years has been cleared after IMPACT Scotland and Royal Bank of Scotland marked the transfer of the land behind the city's iconic Dundas House. The music venue, which was g
A special groundbreaking event was held yesterday to mark the start of construction work on the new Currie Community High School. Shirley-Anne Somerville, cabinet secretary for education and skills at the Scottish Government was joined on site by Councillor Joan Griffiths, education, children and fa
JR Group site manager Stephen Robertson has been promoted to the new role of contracts manager. Stephen, who has worked as a site manager for The JR Group since joining the team in August 2018, received the promotion following his success on delivering high quality projects to an exacting standard -
A homelessness charity’s fundraising drive has been boosted by a £2,000 donation from housebuilder Persimmon East Scotland.
Fed up with the constant noise made by his upstairs neighbours, a man in China got his revenge by giving them a taste of their own medicine.
MIXED USE and NON-RESIDENTIAL Applicant: Scot Stability Ltd
This new year will see the regeneration of the Dalmarnock area in Clyde Gateway flourish with hundreds of new homes under construction, the refurbishment of derelict industrial buildings, as well as the addition of a new bakery and supermarket. The projects make Dalmarnock one of the busiest constru