Growth strategist Craig Alexander Rattray is launching an initiative to help construction business owners build for the future. The Glasgow-based cash flow expert will deliver a series of ‘Know Your Numbers’ masterminds, tailored specifically for business owners in the sector. The six-mo
A wide-ranging plan to reduce the risk of flooding across Ayrshire has been published.
Network Rail has applied for planning permission in principle for an apartment development on the site of a railway depot in Yorkhill. Indicative proposals show there would be two blocks, containing a total of 49 apartments, at the corner of Kelvinhaugh Street and Sandyford Street.
Developers behind two plans for student accommodation blocks in Dundee have been given more time to get the projects started. Two firms were granted planning permission in April last year by Dundee City Council to build purpose-built premises on sites at Brown Street and at the site of the Shell gar
Research into the UK's five most costly infrastructure megaprojects was the best read 'And finally' story of 2022.
Cala Homes (West) has partnered with the Renfrewshire Foodbank to provide an extra drop-off point for Christmas donations.
The impact that recent economic events in the UK and the cost of living crisis are having on construction projects and the people who deliver them has been revealed in a new survey.
Springfield Properties hosted its annual community Christmas events for its residents at Dykes of Gray and Bertha Park this week, with a hot chocolate van and a visit from Santa Claus himself.
International property and construction company Thomas & Adamson (T&A) has been appointed as cost managers for the new Oriam Tennis Centre at Heriot-Watt University’s Edinburgh campus, with work due to commence on site shortly.
A North Berwick campervan converter has been granted planning permission to expand its workshop next year.
As part of its ongoing commitment to working in partnership with local communities and its 12-month programme of support to Cyrenians, staff at Taylor Wimpey East Scotland have responded to this year’s Cyrenian’s Christmas Appeal with personal donations of a variety of much needed items
Allan Clow, managing director of Bancon Homes and Bancon Construction, has joined the board of Aberdeen-based social enterprise Glencraft as non-executive director. Mr Clow has more than 20 years’ experience in director roles and is also a qualified chartered management accountant.
Taylor Wimpey West Scotland can confirm that work on a significant nine-month infrastructure programme to upgrade a section of Meikle Earnock Road in Hamilton is completed. The road will open on Thursday 22 December 2022 following a final inspection by South Lanarkshire Council’s Road departme
An innovative and strong partnership approach to delivering the first Modern Apprenticeship (MA) in Building Standards is helping to address a major skills shortage in Building Standards across Scotland. ESP has worked with Local Authority Building Standards Scotland (LABSS), Scottish Government, UH
The team from Whiteburn Project’s Allanbank development were special guests at Lauder Primary School recently where they gave a talk on construction site safety to Primary 5 to 7 year groups and answered many questions from the children who have been studying Allanbank as part of their wider