Glasgow-based construction firm City Building has delighted hundreds of local young people by donating 197 Christmas gifts to Glasgow’s Spirit of Christmas gift drive in aid of Possilpark’s social work service. The organisation’s support will ensure that vulnerable young people acr
The average price of a property in Scotland in October 2022 was £194,874, an increase of 8.5% on October 2021 and 1.1% compared to the previous month.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) launched its refreshed consumer guide on flooding amid reports that extreme flooding could become more common in the UK due to the effects of climate change.
A cryptocurrency firm in the Netherlands is using the heat produced by computers mining cryptocurrency to warm greenhouses growing tulips. The novel partnership has raised eyebrows, given the association of both tulips and some cryptocurrencies with speculative bubbles - but Bitcoin Brabant and
The Contracts Division at Marshall Construction has secured a busy 2023 workload so far, with a portfolio of new contracts totalling £70 million. Featuring a range of both new and existing clients, the contracts showcase the company’s diverse capability and service range.
Glasgow City Council has granted outline planning permission for the landmark Lancefield Quay development on the city’s waterfront that will transform a four-acre brownfield site that has been vacant since 2007 into a build to rent (BTR) community.
George Hipwell has moved to Savills as the new Scottish director of its rural property division. He joins the Perth office from Davidson & Robertson where he was responsible for the rural and agency department.
Artisan Real Estate’s £80 million transformation of Glasgow’s A-Listed Custom House and neighbouring buildings is complete following the successful completion of two major new hotels for the city. The historic sandstone building, with its distinctive Greek revival frontage, now for
Lanarkshire company The Power Within Training & Development (TPWTD) has been named the best micro-family business in Scotland. The business won the Scottish Family Business Of The Year (Micro) Award at this year’s Herald Scottish Family Business Awards.
Three primary school pupils from across Scotland are helping to spread some festive goodwill after letters they had written were chosen to feature in Age Scotland’s Friendship Service Christmas cards. Niamh Avart from Bearsden Primary School in East Dunbartonshire, Georgie Gilham from Kinmylie
The Whiteburn team from Viewforth were invited back to Sinclairtown Primary School in Kirkcaldy recently where they challenged the Primary 7-year group to design and produce a model layout of a sustainable housing development and create a bid to buy land.
Four major redesign projects are making progress as set out in a report to the Highland Council late last week. The four projects which are priority areas for change and improvement are as follows:
Property company JLL has appointed Paul Fallon as a director to strengthen the firm's Glasgow rating team. Mr Fallon will be responsible for helping the firm’s rating team identify solutions for JLL’s Scottish clients facing the 2023 Revaluation, to help secure savings across both t
Real estate advisor CBRE has added to its Scottish Operational Real Estate (OPRE) team with the appointment of associate director Tony Spence. Tony will be based in the Edinburgh office but will work across Scotland, undertaking all aspects of hotel and hospitality brokerage within the Operational R
Plans for 15 new homes on land near Hogganfield Loch in north east Glasgow have been granted approval. WB Properties Ltd will build a mixture of three, four and five-bedroom detached properties on vacant ground beside the St Aloysius’ College sports facility on Cumbernauld Road.