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The outcomes of the prestigious 2022 SURF Awards for Best Practice in Community Regeneration were announced last night at a celebratory presentation event in Glasgow’s Voco Grand Central Hotel. SURF was delighted to be joined by over 260 guests to celebrate the 24th annual SURF Award programme

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BSW Timber Ltd, UK integrated timber and forestry business, and a member of Binderholz, has acquired Scott Group, a supplier of timber pallets and bespoke timber packaging solutions. Based near Dunfermline, with an annual turnover in excess of £250 million and 1,300 employees, Scott Group is a

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A worker who was unfairly dismissed for refusing to join his colleagues in the pub after work has won a case against his erstwhile employer. Mr T, not to be confused with he of A-Team fame, was a senior advisor at a firm in Paris.

8836-8850 of 34016 Articles