Jordan Maley, an apprentice at South Lanarkshire College, has been awarded the gold medal in the Roof Slating and Tiling competition at SkillBuild 2022. A total of seven talented slating and tiling apprentices competed this year at the competition, which was held at Edinburgh College from 15 to 17 N
Ian Macleod Distillers (IMD) is giving the public the chance to view its proposals for a whisky maturation warehouse scheme at Bandeath Industrial Estate in Throsk, located outside Fallin.
Beatson Cancer Charity has unveiled its new office and reception space within the grounds of Gartnavel Hospital in Glasgow thanks to the help of contractor GRAHAM and a commendable list of Scottish suppliers. The charity set out to upgrade the space earlier this year, but its budget restricted the t
To mark the run-up to the 2022 RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award winner being announced this week, SCN will preview all the shortlisted entries continuing with Lockerbie Sawmill designed by Konishi Gaffney.
The UK Government is to make £1 billion of funding available for an energy efficiency scheme to help households reduce their energy bills.
Scotland’s revised national planning framework (NPF4), currently undergoing a six-week parliamentary scrutiny period, still fails to adequately recognise the country’s housing crisis and will likely lead to a reduction in the number of homes delivered without significant intervention, Ho
Annabelle Ewing MSP visited the Fife village of Cardenden to see a newly completed development of 59 affordable homes being handed over to Kingdom Housing Association by Ogilvie Construction. The houses have been built in Balgonie Grove, on the former mining site behind Jamphlars Court, and offer a
The Scottish Government has spent almost £18 million overturning hundreds of planning decisions by local authorities since 2017, according to new figures.
Moray Council has launched its search for a design team to create a vision for accessible, affordable and smart homes on the edge of Forres. Tendering has opened for the design and delivery plan for Phase 1 of its Dallas Dhu Masterplan: a comprehensive design package featuring site phasing, infrastr
Plans have been revealed for Scotland’s first underground ‘Hobbit Village’ in the Borders.
Historic Environment Scotland has decided not to list Cumbernauld Town Centre after the organisation was asked to consider designating the site as a listed building by a member of the public last year.
Over half of roofing and cladding contractors found it harder to recruit suitable labour in the third quarter of 2022, according to the latest State of the Roofing Industry survey from NFRC (National Federation of Roofing Contractors) and Glenigan.
The skills supremo at Scotland’s largest construction trade association says the electrical talent of tomorrow needs a thorough grounding in all aspects of installation – not just the green technology that will help on the journey to net zero. Fiona Harper, director of employment and ski
A further two surveyors at DM Hall have passed the final professional hurdle of their exhaustive training with flying colours. Ross Craig and Ruari MacIntyre, now qualified chartered surveyors, sat and passed successfully the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC), which sees them progress to b
A new affordable housing development on Gigha has moved a step closer with a funding grant from Argyll and Bute Council.