
9166-9180 of 34016 Articles
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Developments which reduce carbon emissions to tackle climate change and restore nature would be promoted under finalised proposals for long term planning reform. The revised draft National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) sets out sustainable policies against which planning applications would be assessed

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Residents living in Moray’s 18 conservation areas are being offered financial support to repair or install traditional windows. Moray Council’s Windows Repair and Replacement Grant Scheme, funded by the Scottish Government’s Place Based Investment Programme, offers a grant of up to

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A TikTok video posted by an Ohio construction worker has revealed a perfect SpongeBob prank on his site. On October 24, TikToker Mikeyp357 went viral after uploading the first video of the saga. At the time of writing, it’s been viewed over 20 million times.

9166-9180 of 34016 Articles