A contract worth £2.6 million to move thousands of tonnes of timber by sea instead of by road has been announced. The three-year deal between Scottish Forestry and the Associated British Ports (ABP), TimberLINK service, will move timber from a number of ports in Argyll. The contract aims
Revised proposals for a rural development centre in the Lanark area have been approved after the purchase of the initial site fell through. Funding was originally in place from the Scottish Government's Regeneration Capital Grant Fund (RCGF) for a proposed derelict site at Alston’s Yard on Lad
Lochgilphead’s Front Green opened to the public last weekend following a £1.5 million investment by Argyll and Bute Council. Designed by ERZ, the transformation includes a new public square, play park, additional seating, new walking and cycling facilities and drainage and land
Hard landscaping and building materials supplier Marshalls is set to transform its Falkirk site to increase production, improve efficiency, and save over 450 tonnes of carbon a year. In a joint venture with Forest Press Hydraulics, the company has built an innovative concrete wet
The first programme of the QTS Rail Skills Academy has successfully completed, with 10 young people now equipped with the skills required to join the rail industry. Delivered by QTS Training and funded through the East Ayrshire Council's Young Person Guarantee programme, the Academy launched in May
Local community group Blooming Haddington has received a generous donation from Stewart Milne Homes to add a touch of colour and vibrance to the East Lothian town. The housebuilder has sponsored several floral hanging baskets, as well as contributed an extra donation to help the group continue to en
A report that details the support provided by construction industry charity the Lighthouse Club has highlighted a 95% increase in charitable giving over the past year. The 2021 Impact Report reveals the Lighthouse Club helped the construction community with £2,511,214 and i
Fit-out, housing and M&E specialist Morris & Spottiswood has illustrated its commitment to providing a launch pad to develop construction skills and grow talent from within with a new cohort of apprentices. Recognising the importance of providing early career opportunities to attra
Ogilvie Construction has landed an internationally recognised award for demonstrating high health and safety standards for the ninth consecutive year. The company has once again received a RoSPA Gold Medal Health and Safety Award for working hard to ensure its staff get home safe to their families a
A commercial judge has rejected a proposition by an electricity supplier that a hotel’s case against non-payment of a £168,000 bill accrued over the past five years is irrelevant. SSE Energy Supply Ltd raised the case against Stag Hotel Ltd, the owner of a hotel in Argyll, for monthly in
Scotland’s first-ever Green Home Festival has been hailed as a resounding success, with organisers already planning next year’s event to cater for the growing interest in low-carbon construction and sustainable living. More than 350 delegates signed up for the five-day renewables jambore
Lar Housing Trust is hailing its latest regeneration project in Glasgow as the start of a major push to bring derelict and disused buildings in the city back to life. The housing charity, which has over 40 mid-market rental developments across Scotland, has been granted planning permission to conver
The University of Glasgow was praised this week for sharing its multi-million vision to supplement the ongoing growth of Govan as a thriving place for living and working. Community groups – including local housing providers Linthouse, Govan and Elderpark – were told of the University&rsq
Mears Group PLC has announced the acquisition of IRT Surveys Limited (IRT) for a total consideration of up to £4.1 million.
Fife Council's spokesperson for housing and building services Councillor Judy Hamilton has marked the progress of construction of 97 new council houses in Cowdenbeath by laying a 'golden brick'. The new development in Lochgelly Road is situated on what was previously open land and wil