
10261-10275 of 33907 Articles
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Kilmac has been awarded the groundworks package for the new Eden Campus external yard in St Andrews. Working with Robertson Construction Tayside, Kilmac will undertake works including kerbing, main slab works, surface and foul water drainage, combined water drainage and an interceptor tank.

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Built Environment – Smarter Transformation (BE-ST) has announced a new partnership with the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) with a shared ambition to radically improve the sustainability of the built environment. With a particular focus on the challenges and opportunities in non-domestic ret

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Labourers were put to work as cricket players in an elaborate scam that duped Russian gamblers into betting on a fake tournament advertised as the real Indian Premier League. An enterprising gang of scammers leased a farm in the western Indian state of Gujarat and installed a rudimentary cricket pit

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International property and construction consultancy Gleeds has celebrated after two projects on which it acted as project manager scooped gongs in the architecture category at the Scottish Design Awards. Campus Central for the University of Stirling and Laidlaw Music Centre for the University of St

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Equity investor BGF has today exited its investment in Fife-headquartered housebuilder Campion Homes. Having initially invested a multimillion sum in 2016, BGF’s exit follows a strong period for Campion Homes, with it trebling in size taking turnover from £14.6 million to over £45m

10261-10275 of 33907 Articles