UK construction companies signalled another loss of momentum in June as total business activity expanded at the weakest pace for nine months and new orders increased to the smallest extent since last October.
JR Training Services rolled out the red carpet for the first trainees of its training services division at the end of last month, marking the first in its programme of training provision set to be offered by the business. Led by Ronnie Charters, JR Training Services welcomed 16 delegates to particip
Building materials distributor Travis Perkins plc has announced the group is making good progress against the ambitious Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) accredited carbon reduction targets announced last year. The implementation of carbon data reporting, introduction of alternative fuel techn
James Harris is to succeed Mike Haigh as group executive chair at Mott MacDonald, who retires from the role after 42 years with the global engineering, management and development consultancy. Cathy Travers will take over from James as group managing director, with both set to beg
A Falkirk-based youth theatre has received a much-needed £1,000 funding boost from housebuilder Cala Homes. Project Theatre, which was founded in 2008 by Jamie O’Rourke, focuses on promoting youth and community involvement in performing arts across Falkirk, Grangemouth and beyond by prov
A new £4 million speculative industrial development from Knight Property Group at East Kilbride in South Lanarkshire has achieved practical completion.
The first of a series of workshops have taken place which will see Perth school pupils shape the design of a major new housing development in Perth.
Stewart Milne Group has won two NHBC Pride in the Job quality awards for developments in Scotland and North-west England. The Ballumbie Rise development in Dundee and The Stables development in Cheshire, North-west England, received the awards for consistently high standards of customer care. Site m
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has agreed to confirm a major investment of £1.95 million into a new sports and recreation facility at Stornoway Primary School. The funding will secure the provision of a large sports hall, proposed to be four badminton courts in size, with associated storage and cha
Network Rail will invest more than £120 million of Scottish Government funding in the next three years to boost the electricity power supply into Scotland’s railway network.
Kier Group has appointed Chris Browne as a non-executive director to its board. The appointment will take effect on 15 September 2022. Chris will be a member of the Environment, Social and Governance Committee, the Nomination Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Risk Management and Audit Co
The Scottish billionaire brothers, Sandy and James Easdale, have unveiled plans for their latest £2 million drive-through coffee location in Port Glasgow and are planning a raft of locations to follow across the UK. The new project will replace a former Department of Works and Pensions buildin
A leading voice on climate action in the built environment has joined Built Environment – Smarter Transformation (BE-ST) helping to accelerate decarbonisation and expand the innovation centre’s reach across the UK. As lead impact manager for retrofit programmes, Sara Edmonds will support
Housing organisation Link Group and Hypostyle Architects are celebrating a win at the Scottish Design Awards for their Glasgow development, Riverside Dalmarnock.
Planning permission has been secured for 15 new affordable homes in Braemar.