High quality lime has been manufactured for the first time in the UK using hydrogen technology as part of a world-first net zero trial. The trial, led by Tarmac at its Tunstead site near Buxton, was the culmination of a project funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (B
A landmark development which signals a gateway into the Camlachie neighbourhood and knits together a historic industrial area and newer housing stock has won the architecture Grand Prix at the Scottish Design Awards. Designed by Anderson Bell + Christie for West of Scotland Housing Association, 
Members have agreed to progress to the next stage of awarding the contract for the building of the new Tain 3-18 Campus. Rising costs as a result of global and national circumstances have impacted on construction projects across the UK in recent weeks and months and Members considered proposals to m
A new sculpture commemorating the lifeboat service has been unveiled as part of the multi-million-pound Broughty Ferry flood protection scheme delivered by McLaughlin & Harvey. The public artwork, at Beach Crescent, takes the form of lifeboat davits, the arched cranes that hold emergency boats o
A proposed £3 million young persons’ home in Dundee could come a step closer next week as councillors are asked to approve contractors for the work. A recommendation that Robertson Construction Tayside Ltd is chosen to build the council-run facility in Southampton Road will be considered
Housing and community organisation Link Group has been named Scotland’s top developing landlord in Inside Housing’s Top 50 Biggest Builders for the second year. In addition to topping the list of Scotland’s developers, Link is the UK’s 12th biggest builder.
A local project in Fife that aims to improve young people’s skills and chances of employment and reduce anti-social behaviour has been given a major cash injection.
Construction firms should assess the tax relief available to them for commercial building projects, according to Dundee-based EQ Accountants.
Public views are being sought on the proposed regeneration of the former brewery site at the Union Canal in Fountainbridge, Edinburgh.
The Scottish Government has published Circular 2/2022 on planning fees which provides guidance on provisions within the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) Regulations 2022 as amended.
A 17th-century turfhouse has been recreated using traditional materials, tools and techniques in Glencoe. The turf, wattle and thatch structure was erected by a team of skilled craftspeople in 2021. It has the same footprint as one of the late 17th-century dwellings excavated by conservation charity
MIXED USE and NON-RESIDENTIAL Applicant: Ninja Sushi
Two years in the planning, pioneering pitched roof tile manufacturer Russell Roof Tiles (RRT) has officially unveiled a new £2 million upgraded utility plant at its 11-acre site at Lochmaben. The investment allows the manufacturer to continue to meet the high level of demand for its tiles. RRT
Inverness is to be home to a new £6 million whisky distillery and brewery, for the first time in nearly forty years.
Collective Architecture director Chris Stewart has been elected as the new president of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) for a two-year term which begins following the Incorporation’s AGM on 29 June 2022. The Glasgow-based architect is a member of and former sustainabil