An upcoming BBC documentary is set to examine the causes of building collapse.
A property developer is seeking permission to develop housing on a brownfield site containing a derelict garage in Bishopbriggs. Ross Donnelly has approached East Dunbartonshire Council seeking planning approval for four homes and an office at 1 St Mungo Street.
National Trust for Scotland (NTS) has submitted a retrospective planning application for five storage units at the Culloden Battlefield Visitor Centre.
A landmark regeneration scheme in Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire has been crowned the overall winner at the inaugural RTPI Scotland Awards for Planning Excellence 2022. The Fraserburgh Conservation Area Renewal Scheme Townscape Heritage Project won in the RTPI Scotland Best Project category and took awa
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has awarded 44 suppliers places on its major new Facilities Management and Workplace Services framework which will heavily weight ‘quality’ in its contract award criteria, rather than lowest cost. The UK Government said the new framework supports the p
Contractor GRAHAM has pledged to support Scottish youngsters to establish a career in construction by joining the Young Person’s Guarantee (YPG) – a joint commitment to bring together employers, partners and young people across the country.
Redpath Construction hosted a charity golf day at Barassie Golf Club in Kilmarnock yesterday to raise money for Clyde One Cash for Kids. Six teams competed over 5 hours with team Bradley winning the team prize after three teams scored the same total, leading to a tense, after dinner ‘putt off&
The Scottish Government has accepted all twelve recommendations of an independent review of the role of incineration including that no further planning permission for incineration facilities should be granted. Last month a report authored by waste sector expert Dr Colin Church re
Timber frame manufacturer Donaldson Timber Systems (DTS) has become one of the first manufacturers to achieve Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme Plus (BOPAS plus), a durability assessment for advanced, offsite build systems.
Public sector procurement authority SCAPE Scotland has launched a new procurement guide that will enable public bodies to achieve the Scottish Government’s Net Zero Public Sector Building Standard for construction projects. The new Lifecycle procurement solution has been hailed as the first in
Andrew Haslam, Ogilvie Homes and another developer have submitted plans to Stirling Council to build 38 houses in the rural Stirlingshire village of Fintry. The developers hope to build on land next to south of Menzies Terrace.
Staff who are part of the project which is building a low cost and low carbon heat network for Torry have grown connections with their local area by helping at a community garden and a primary school.
Robertson Homes has completed its acquisition of land for a new housing development in Bearsden, East Dunbartonshire.
Hillcrest's £6 million affordable housing development on Edinburgh’s Warriston Road has formally opened, adding a further 45 affordable homes to the city’s affordable housing provision. To mark the opening, delegates from City of Edinburgh Council visited the Canonmills Garden deve
Abbeyfield Scotland’s house, Paterson Court in Haddington, has begun a significant refurbishment programme this week. The supported accommodation complex will see ten units refurbished with new en-suite bathrooms, an enhanced decking area in the communal gardens, a new laundry facility, and th