The Scottish Government has decided against giving approval to plans for a housing-led development in Balerno.
MIXED USE and NON-RESIDENTIAL Applicant: Touchdown Memorial Home For Horses The Stables Mulben Keith Moray
A tiny ‘eco house’ and its owner are looking for a new plot of land in Stirlingshire to call home.
Sector body Homes for Scotland (HFS) has announced Jane Wood as its new chief executive with effect from June 1. Jane joins HFS from BT where she was group UK nations and regions director and a member of the BT Scotland board, responsible for managing relationships with public bodies, politicians an
A Victorian industrial building near Speirs Wharf could be demolished to make way for build-to-rent flats, under newly lodged plans.
Six Scottish workplaces have been recognised at the annual British Council for Offices' (BCO) Regional Awards. The Scottish Awards Lunch returned in person to the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow last week, recognising the highest quality developments in Scotland and setting the standard for excellenc
If anyone can spot a really good career opportunity, it’s a recruitment consultant – which is why former selection specialist Jaclyn Duff is now making great progress in the ranks of Persimmon Homes. Just four years ago, Jaclyn worked as a construction industry recruiter, matching workpl
Thermal imaging survey company IRT Surveys has appointed Lisa Cairns as business development manager. Ms Cairns has a wealth of experience in data aggregation and monitoring, software, and IoT solutions for the energy, renewable energy and construction sector, specifically in small-scale renewable e
Construction works continue to progress at the £7.4 million Paisley Learning & Cultural Hub as Arc-Tech (Scotland) commences the M&E installation. The new facility, located on High Street in the town centre, comprises the repurposing and reconfiguration of former retail premises into a
Hardies Property & Construction Consultants has secured Investors in People Platinum Accreditation and Young Investors in People Gold Accreditation, demonstrating its commitment to exceptional performance through good people management. The Platinum Accreditation is the highest accolade that can
The third phase of the new Lossiemouth High School was handed over by Balfour Beatty last month, marking the completion of the £42 million new-build project.
The Scottish Government-backed A92/A96 Haudagain improvement project opens to traffic today, delivering 500 metres of new dual carriageway, allowing road users in Aberdeen to bypass an area well known for causing significant queues and delays for traffic.
Mosaic Architecture + Design has submitted a planning application on behalf of Garroch Investments to demolish Glasgow’s Princes House and develop Magnet, a brand-new £75 million Grade A office development with the highest environmental credentials.
Wheatley Group has unveiled a new-look executive team, featuring several new appointments and roles. Hazel Young has been appointed group director of housing and property management, while Laura Pluck takes up the new position of group director of communities. They join Frank McCafferty, who became
Kilmac has been awarded a major new contract by AMA Homes to deliver the groundworks and hard landscaping phases for a development of 50 apartments in Edinburgh.