Backers of a proposed £100 million housing-led regeneration of the former IBM site in Greenock are considering an appeal to Scottish ministers following a dispute with a council over their planning application for the project.
Community views are being sought on updated plans for the regeneration of Shawlands Arcade. The proposals are being brought forward by the Arcade’s owners, Clydebuilt LP, which is a property investment and development fund co-owned by Strathclyde Pension Fund and Ediston Real Estate.
Kingdom Works, the employability project hosted by Kingdom Housing Association, has successfully completed a construction academy in Cardenden, paving the way to a new career for 12 unemployed people in Fife. The training was designed to upskill and certify participants on the course so they were ab
A Japanese railway company has unveiled a giant worker robot that can be tasked to carry out jobs that are considered risky for humans. The robot has a human-like torso and a pair of hands to carry out a range of tasks, such as cleaning the power lines with a specially-designed multi-angle brus
Plans for 56 homes at Shawfair in Midlothian have made progress with Dandara East Scotland's appointment of JR Scaffold Services.
Construction work is set to begin at a prime Cala Homes project that will see 980 homes delivered to South Queensferry.
Scotland's real estate & property and construction sectors were two of only three to witness an increase of businesses in ‘significant’ distress since the previous quarter, according to business rescue and recovery specialist Begbies Traynor. The latest Red Flag Alert data shows
Queensberry Properties is bidding to overturn a decision to reject its revised plans to deliver 49 apartments in Glasgow’s West End.
Construction Product Information Ltd (CPI), which is responsible for managing the Code for Construction Product Information, has appointed its first independent chair and board of non-executive directors.
Taylor Wimpey East Scotland has announced its support as main sponsor of the annual Dunbar Rugby Football Club’s Minis Tournament for a record 10th year as the event returns following a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic.
The pipeline for Scotland’s education and hospitality construction sectors is the healthiest in the UK but industrial, commercial & retail, medical and residential construction continues to lag behind, according to Barbour ABI's Super Sectors report for March. The Super Sect
QTS Group has become the first dedicated rail company in the UK to receive the Social Value Quality Mark, one of the country’s most rigorous social value accreditations.
Chivas Brothers, the Scotch Whisky business of Pernod Ricard, has today announced a £88 million investment into Aberlour and Miltonduff, two of its strategic single malt distilleries.
The value of homes sold by Scottish estate agency and legal firm Lindsays has topped £200 million for the first time.
New proposals are in development which would see major investment in a host of projects across Argyll and Bute’s island communities.