The developer behind the planned mixed-use transformation of the St Enoch Centre in Glasgow has now submitted a planning application outlining its masterplan proposals.
A canalside industrial works in Maryhill could be converted into residential use under newly lodged plans. Lar Housing Trust wants to redevelop The Quadrangle office building at 57 Ruchill Street into 39 flats made up of two, three and four-bedroom units. An outhouse at the site will
Glendale welcomed local MSP Kate Forbes last week as she visited the community-led renovation of Borrodale school and schoolhouse. Historic Environment Scotland (HES) and Crown Estate Scotland recently awarded grants to further develop the buildings into much-needed affordable housing.
The leader of the Scottish Conservatives, Douglas Ross, has outlined plans to increase the home building target to 25,000 properties per year and said councils should be able to vary Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) thresholds to take into account higher local prices. The Scottish Cons
Fast broadband will run through water pipes in parts of South Yorkshire as part of plans to get better internet access to people quicker.
Project management consultancy Faithful+Gould has promoted from within to fill the position for managing director for its UK and Europe operations. James Butler steps into the role as his predecessor Jon Sealy moves into a new global position to drive growth in project and programme manag
Aberdeenshire steel and cladding company KR Group successfully became ‘carbon neutral’ last month after achieving a balance between the carbon the business emits and the carbon it prevents. The firm said the achievement was made possible by making fundamental changes within the business
Output in the UK construction sector has suffered its first monthly decrease since October 2021 as the storms which hit the country in February took their toll on site conditions, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said today.
Budget hotel operator Travelodge has unveiled a new design for its hotels following feedback from thousands of business and leisure travellers.
A further section of pathway that will improve active travel infrastructure in and around Gullane has been completed. As part of its newly-launched Saltcoats Grange development, Cala Homes (East) has prioritised the completion of the footway that runs adjacent to the busy C111 road between Gullane a
The Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) said it is focused on working with its many key partners from the infrastructure and construction industries to improve the economic, social and environmental outcomes from Scotland’s infrastructure as it published its Business Plan for 2022/23&n
A sod cutting ceremony has been held at the former Nestle Purina Factory site on Glasgow Road in Barrhead to officially mark the commencement of work on a new £16 million retail park.
The future of the A-listed Mansion House, the Scottish baronial masterpiece in Tollcross Park in Glasgow, has been secured by its sale to a local property company which has already contributed hugely to the preservation and enhancement of some of the East End’s most outstanding buildings. Fami
MIXED USE and NON-RESIDENTIAL Applicant: West Town Edinburgh Ltd
An application for a £15 million expansion of Murrayshall Country Estate near Scone has been withdrawn almost a year after they were submitted. The owners Stellar Murrayshall LLP had lodged a bid for Planning Permission in Principle (PPP) in April 2021 for a spa & leisure facility, ou