Ogilvie Construction has opened a new office in Aberdeen as part of a programme of investment to continue to grow its business in the north east of Scotland.
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar's Affordable Housing Programme has successfully handed over 78 new homes. The porgramme finished 2021 with the official opening for Lady Matheson Court in Stornoway (six homes), in December, and started the new year with the handover of James Place in Tarbert (eight homes),
Kingdom Housing Association (KHA) has completed its latest development at Elm Grove, Alloa following a collaborative arrangement between KHA, Ochil View Housing Association and Kingdom Initiatives. The 54 new homes provide a mix of 33 social rented and 21 mid-market rented homes, at a total cost of
A former retail outlet in Perth city centre could be transformed into a restaurant and residential flats under newly submitted plans. Mill Architects has drawn up proposals on behalf of applicant Roland Peeters for a substantial refurbishment of the Grade ‘A’ listed property at 50 St Joh
Homes for Scotland has called for more analysis of the planning appeal process to assess the political nature of decision making at a council level. The trade body was responding to a freedom of information request from the Scottish Conservatives that revealed that 46% of planning appeals have
Infrastructure specialist hub South West has completed its 500th home since it diversified into house-building just over four years ago. The achievement was marked by a gathering of the hub team, including chief executive officer Michael Ross and chairman Dr Willie Mackie, at the new terraced townho
Property developer Artisan Real Estate has today revealed designs for a mixed-use development featuring low carbon homes for a site at 65-97 Ingram Street in Glasgow, following an initial public consultation. The development, on land which is currently a temporary car park, will feature four distinc
RESIDENTIAL – FEWER THAN TEN UNITS Applicant: Mackay & Stenhouse Ltd.
With the project to reinstate the Levenmouth Rail link now well underway, various elements of work are springing up under big white tents across the route.
Wates Group has secured a £90 million sustainability-linked loan (SLL) from a three-bank syndicate led by Lloyds Bank.
Maxi Construction has been awarded a contract from South Lanarkshire Council for the conversion of existing shop units within the New Cross Centre in Hamilton to provide a 950m2 multi-purpose community hub including meeting and office space. John Aitchison, Maxi Construction’s managing di
It could cost UK landlords up to £40 per sq ft (£430 per sq m) to make high cost improvements in order to hit proposed legislative energy targets set to come into effect from 2027 onwards, according to new research by Savills.
Robertson Group has welcomed a bounce back in performance following challenges of the pandemic to report a £588 million turnover over 12 months to 30 June 2021 and a pre-tax profit of £16.9m. The figures compare well to the £650m of turnover and £1.2m pre-tax profit generated
Plans to develop a new timber manufacturing and processing facility in Forres have secured up to £279,000 Green Jobs Fund investment from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE). The funding was announced on Friday by Richard Lochhead, minister for just transition, employment and fair work, dur
More than 3km of track – 70% of the total to be laid – is now in the ground as part of the Trams to Newhaven project, which remains on schedule to begin revenue services in spring 2023, delivered within the £207.3 million budget. The main construction work on three of the eight new