Premature babies across Scotland are going to be wrapped up in love thanks to a donation from Bellway Homes Ltd (Scotland West).
Communities and individuals will soon have access to information to enable them to find out who has a controlling interest in Scotland’s land. As part of its long-running commitment to improving transparency of land ownership, the Scottish Government is introducing a new Register of Persons Ho
Scottish construction firm JR Group has revealed its shock and disappointment following North Lanarkshire Council’s refusal to approve revised proposals for 12 affordable homes on a derelict brownfield site in Wishaw. The planning application – the group’s second for the former soc
Plans have been submitted to Glasgow City Council to convert the B-listed Canal House at Speirs Wharf into apartments. Internal alterations are proposed to subdivide the building, which is currently designated for office use, into four two-bedroom flats.
English developers Mandale Homes has submitted plans to convert the 1970s office block Ruby House in Aberdeen into 65 flats.
The Highland Council has formally extended its long-term relationship with EJ Parker Technical Services by re-appointment to its new Heating Framework for a further three years with an optional two-year extension. The framework is part of the council's commitment to make the highlands an even better
Councillors are set to approve the demolition of a block of flats in Fife. Fife Council's Cowdenbeath area committee is due to consider a report from the council’s head of housing on Wednesday which will signal the beginning of the end for the properties at 101-147 Martin Crescent in Ball
An appeal has been lodged against the refusal of plans for a £10 million 'retirement village' on the outskirts of St Andrews.
The Scottish Government has overruled local councils on 46% of all planning decision appeals since the 2017 local elections, according to new figures
A bid has been launched to overturn Glasgow City Council's rejection of an apartment building in North Kelvinside. Elder and Cannon Architects had lodged plans on behalf of HJV Consultants for the seven-storey building at Kelbourne Street.
A construction worker was left “flabbergasted” after spotting a man riding along a cycle lane wearing nothing but a helmet, socks and trainers.
Family housebuilder Mactaggart & Mickel has been awarded the maximum 5-star rating for the 10th year in a row in the Home Builders Federation (HBF) annual Customer Satisfaction Survey.
Two men from a town in Massachusetts, have built a tiny Irish pub on wheels. The Wee Irish Pub measures eight feet by 17 feet and includes an electric fireplace, a high wooden bar, a small fridge and two beer taps, all inside a trailer.
Results released yesterday by the Home Builders Federation (HBF) have awarded Bellway a 5-Star Rating in customer satisfaction for the sixth consecutive year.
Real estate firm Savills has urged that it is time for the real estate sector to take its environmental and social impact seriously and get its house in order. The firm has said that the sectror faces challenges, but has the potential to provide many solutions.