MIXED USE and NON-RESIDENTIAL Applicant: Quest Precision Engineering Ltd
CCG, in partnership with a social landlord, has returned with new plans to build 46 flats for affordable rent in Govan.
The sprinklers outside a parliament building have been weaponised against protesters by authorities in New Zealand.
The restoration of Glasgow School of Art's Mackintosh building will likely be delayed by at least a decade, a prominent architect has said. John McAslan, whose firm is heading up the £68 million restoration of the Burrell Collection in Pollok Park, has endorsed GSA director and chief executive
The world's first flying boat is set to be unveiled at a climate conference in Dubai next year.
A four-week public engagement process on the future design of Glasgow's George Square and the surrounding Avenues has begun.
Real estate investment and development company MCR Property Group has acquired Europa House in Motherwell in its first purchase in Scotland of 2022.
Lochmaben-based roof tile manufacturer Russell Roof Tiles has celebrated a decade of growth since it became an independent company. Originally founded in its current 11-acre site in Halleaths, Lochmaben in 1964 as The Annandale Tile Company, the manufacturer now employs nearly 60 staff in its Scotti
R&B Distillers has announced plans to build a new distillery in Campbeltown in a move that is expected to create 20 new jobs. R&B Distillers, which distils the Isle of Raasay single malt, hopes to start construction of the Machrihanish Distillery next year.
Ian Bowie has joined law firm Shepherd and Wedderburn as a partner, bringing to the firm and its clients more than 25 years’ expertise advising on real estate projects, with a particular focus on energy and natural resources. Renowned for his technical skills and client focus, Mr Bowie support
Scottish Water has completed work on its first large-scale battery storage project to accelerate its drive towards net zero emissions by 2040.
Taylor Wimpey West Scotland recently went back to school to give the Primary 6 and 7 children of St Michael’s Primary in Moodiesburn some reminders about health and safety. As construction of new homes at Taylor Wimpey West Scotland’s development of new homes at Stoneyetts View, off Gart
Changes to help improve the planning application process and the service received by applicants have been announced by planning minister Tom Arthur. Following a consultation in 2019 that sought views on reviewing the planning performance and fee regime, planning fees will rise from 1 April 2022.
Plans to build flats in place of a former Aberdeen printworks have been recommended for conditional approval from councillors.
One of Scotland's last remaining flax industry buildings, Silverburn Flax Mill near Leven in Fife, will be brought back to life after winning a £3.47 million grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.