The Highland Council is to invest £1.074 million into carrying out improvements to its housing stock in Caithness over the next 12 months. At a meeting of the Caithness committee, councillors agreed a one-year Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme that will see £940,000 spent on main
Scotland’s housebuilding industry has demonstrated its resilience after new data published by NHBC shows there were 12,599 new home registrations in 2021, a 43% increase on 2020.
Surveyors in Scotland reported more prospective home buyers in January, a sign that soon-to-be buyers aren’t suffering from the winter blues, however, this came before the most recent rise in interest rates, according to the latest residential market survey from the Royal Institution of Charte
Ogilvie Homes has failed in its appeal against an Angus Council refusal for more than 80 homes on the outskirts of Forfar.
Cruden has started work on a new housing development in East Lothian, its fourth active site in the region.
Coltart Earley Architecture has submitted plans for a 15-home social housing development on a vacant brownfield plot in Finnieston on behalf of Glasgow West Housing Association.
A build-to-rent (BTR) platform set up by Macquarie Asset Management has acquired its first site in Scotland to deliver 338 homes for rent.
The Scottish Home Awards celebrates its 15th anniversary with the launch of its 2022 programme.
Spain’s supreme court has ordered the demolition of a large golf resort that was unlawfully built in a protected area following a 14-year legal battle.
An application by Barratt Homes to build a new family development is set to go before Dundee City Council's planning committee next week.
Edinburgh-based developer Glencairn Properties has appointed GRAHAM to manage the design and build of a state-of-the-art student accommodation scheme in the capital’s Abbeyhill area.
Scottish Construction Now has got off to a flying start in 2022 and passed two important milestones in January.
A public consultation to gather information from residents and visitors to George Street and nearby streets as the first step towards a potential masterplan for the area is underway.
Inch Cape Offshore Limited has selected Montrose Port as the future operations and maintenance base for its offshore wind farm – which will see up to 72 turbines located 15 km off the Angus coast. The wind farm, owned by Red Rock Power and ESB, will create an initial £5.2 million investm
Work is now underway on a major new cycling and walking route linking the east and the west of Edinburgh. Transport convener Councillor Lesley Macinnes was joined in Roseburn yesterday by Patrick Harvie, minister for zero carbon buildings, active travel and tenants' rights, and Karen McGregor, portf