Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC) and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) have signed a formal agreement to support a sustainable future for the built environment, championing innovation and inclusive growth. The Sustainable Growth Agreement sets out a joint vision for the
The City of Edinburgh Council has approved proposals to demolish a block of offices to make way for 42 new homes. Morgan McDonnell Architecture lodged an application earlier this year on behalf of Square & Crescent Ltd regarding the Henderson Place Lane site, which extends over approximatel
hub West Scotland (hWS) said it has been overwhelmed by the incredible response to its fourth Winter Warmer Appeal on behalf of charity partner PEEK, (Possibilities for Each and Every Kid).
Housebuilder Living by Robertson got into the festive spirit with a visit to the 'winter wonderland' at their nominated Christmas charity, The Yard, in Edinburgh. The adventure play centre for disabled children, young people and their families, established in Edinburgh in 1986, now has three sites a
The Barrack Charitable Trust is donating £47,716 to a range of worthwhile charitable organisations across Scotland. The Trust is open for application twice a year, with 19 charitable organisations benefiting from support in this tranche.
Whiteburn Projects has supported the Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) project by planting 30 ornamental trees as part of the national initiative to ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’ at its Caerlee Mill development in Innerleithen in the Scottish Borders. Caerlee Mill said the project will c
Two construction procurement bodies Crown Commercial Service and SCAPE have today adopted the Building a Safer Future (BSF) initiative and are embedding it within their frameworks.
A delayed housing development near the Ailsa Hospital in Ayr has been given outline approval despite councillors' concerns about school spaces and access roads.
The Highland Council has launched an additional Community Empowerment consultation giving the Nairn community until 31 January 2022 to respond to a proposal to dispose, by sale, of Sandown Lands, Nairn.
North Lanarkshire Council has agreed a below-inflation rent rise of 3% for tenants as part of next year’s multi-million-pound investment in housing across the region.
A new community of 199 people and families has been set up in Leith thanks to affordable housing developed by Link Group.
GHA’s transformation of a former stable block into 52 affordable homes has picked up yet another award.
RESIDENTIAL – FEWER THAN TEN UNITS Applicant: City Restoration Project Ltd.
Just over a week since it was reported that soaring house prices and high rents have made it nearly impossible for first time buyers in Edinburgh to enter the housing market, Homes for Scotland (HFS) has expressed serious concerns that the proposed City Plan will fail to deliver the much-needed home
The Donaldson Group has acquired the timber frame manufacturing division of Stewart Milne Group marking its entry into the timber frame market. Established in 1975, Aberdeen-based Stewart Milne Timber Systems (SMTS) is a UK pioneer in timber frame technology and manufacturing, operati